Legal Filing
Rucho v. Common Cause Court Filings
Find more information about the case here.
Related Issues
U.S. Supreme Court (after second trial court victory)
Jurisdictional Stage
- Rucho v. Common Cause Opinion
- Rucho v. Common Cause Oral Argument Transcripts (June 3, 2019)
- Order Granting Jurisdiction (January 4, 2019)
- Brief Opposing Motions to Affirm (November 20, 2018)
- Common Cause Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Brief (November 8, 2018)
- Common Cause Plaintiffs’ Motion to Affirm (November 2, 2018)
- Amicus Brief of Philip Kalodner (November 1, 2018)
- League of Women Voters of North Carolina Plaintiffs’ Motion to Affirm (October 31, 2018)
- Defendant’s Jurisdictional Statement (October 1, 2018)
Merits Stage
- Order Setting Briefing Deadlines (January 8, 2019)
- Supreme Court March Oral Argument Calendar (January 25, 2019)
- Plaintiffs’ Joint Motion for Divided Argument and Enlargement of Argument Time (February 5, 2019)
- Appellants’ Opening Brief (February 8, 2019)
- Joint Appendix (February 8, 2019)
- League of Women Voters of North Carolina Appellees’ Brief (March 4, 2019)
- Common Cause Appellees’ Brief (March 4, 2019)
- Revised League of Women Voters of North Carolina Appellees’ Brief (March 5, 2019)
Amicus Briefs in Support of the Appellants
- Amicus Brief of the National Republican Redistricting Trust (February 11, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Michael Turzai (February 12, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Wisconsin State Senate and State Assembly (February 12, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of American Civil Rights Union and Southeastern Legal Foundation (February 12, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Members of the North Carolina Congressional Delegation (February 12, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of the Republican National Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee (February 12, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Public Interest Legal Foundation (February 12, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Carl Isett (February 12, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Utah (February 15, 2019)
Amicus Briefs in Support of Neither Party
- Amicus Brief of David Orentlicher (February 11, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Judicial Watch, Inc. and Allied Educational Foundation (February 12, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Bernard Grofman and Ronald Keith Gaddie (February 12, 2019)
Amicus Briefs in Support of the Appellees
- Amicus Brief of the Brennan Center for Justice (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Colleagues of Professor Norman Dorsen (March 6, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of First Amendment Clinic of Duke Law (March 7, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Eric S. Lander (March 7, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Constitutional Accountability Center (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Stephen M. Shapiro (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of International Municipal Lawyers Association et al. (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Anti-Defamation League et al. (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Democracy North Carolina and The People’s Alliance Fund (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of 27 Election Law, Scientific Evidence, and Empirical Legal Scholars (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union et al. (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Professors Christopher Elmendorf et al. (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of First Amendment and Election Law Scholars (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Historians (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Professor D. Theodore Rave (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of the State of Oregon et al. (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Political Science Professors (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Professors Wesley Pegden et al. (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Governors Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lawrence Joseph Hogan Jr. (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund et al. (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Mathematicians, Law Professors, and Students (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of American Jewish Committee (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Bipartisan Group of Current and Former Members of the House of Representatives (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Professor Michael Kang (March 8, 2019)
- Amicus Brief of Floyd Abrams Institute for Freedom of Expression (March 11, 2019)
District Court (on remand)
- Order Granting Stay – with conditions (September 12, 2018)
- Legislative Defendants’ Reply Brief (September 5, 2018)-
- State Defendants’ Response to Motion to Stay (September 5, 2018)
- Common Cause Plaintiffs’ Response to Order (September 5, 2018)
- League of Women Voters’ Response to Motion to Stay (September 5, 2018)
- Order (September 4, 2018)
- Plaintiffs’ Reply Brief (September 4, 2018)
- State Defendants’ Brief on Remedy (September 4, 2018)
- Legislative Defendants’ Memorandum in Support of the Motion to Stay (August 31, 2018)
- Motion to Stay (August 31, 2018)
- Notice of Appeal (August 31, 2018)
- Plaintiffs’ Memorandum on Remedy (August 31, 2018)
- Joint Notice (August 29, 2018)-
- Memorandum Opinion (August 27, 2018)
- Legislative Defendants’ Corrected Brief on Standing (August 9, 2018)
- Common Cause Plaintiffs’ Brief in Response to July 16 Order (August 7, 2018)
- League of Women Voters Plaintiffs’ Brief on Standing (August 7, 2018)
- Order (July 18, 2018)
- Legislative Defendants’ Response to Order (July 17, 2018)
- Order on Additional Expert Discovery (July 16, 2018)
- Defendants’ Brief in Response to June 27 Order (July 11, 2018)
- Plaintiffs’ Brief in Response to June 27 Order (July 11, 2018)
- Briefing Order (June 27, 2018)
U.S. Supreme Court (after first trial court victory)
Jurisdictional Stage
- Order (June 25, 2018)
- Supplemental Brief of the Appellants (June 20, 2018)
- Supplemental Brief of the League of Women Voters of North Carolina, et al. Appellees (June 20, 2018)
- Supplemental Brief of the Common Cause Appellees (June 19, 2018)
- Notice of Supplemental Authority by the Common Cause Appellees (May 16, 2018)
- Motion to Affirm by the Common Cause Appellees (April 27, 2018)
- Motion to Affirm by the League of Women Voters of North Carolina Appellees (April 27, 2018)
- Appellees’ Motion to Extend Time to File a Response (March 22, 2018)
- Jurisdictional Statement (March 12, 2018)
Emergency Application for Stay
- Order Denying Appellees’ Motion for Expedited Briefing and Oral Argument Schedule (February 6, 2018)
- Appellees’ Motion for Expedited Briefing and Oral Argument Schedule (January 23, 2018)
- Motion for Leave to File Amicus Brief in Support of Emergency Application for Stay for the ACLU (January 18, 2018)
- Reply Brief In Support of Emergency Application for Stay Pending Resolution of Direct Appeal to This Court (January 18, 2018)
- Order Granting Application for Stay (January 18, 2018)
- League of Women Voters Plaintiffs’ Response in Opposition to Emergency Application for Stay Pending Resolution of Direct Appeal to This Court (January 17, 2018)
- Common Cause Plaintiffs’ Response in Opposition to Emergency Application for Stay Pending Resolution of Direct Appeal to This Court (January 17, 2018)
- Motion for Leave to File Amicus Brief for Pennsylvania Senate Senator Joseph Scarnati in Support of Applicants (January 17, 2018)
- Motion for Leave to File Amicus Brief for George Holding, Walter B. Jones, Jr., Virginia Foxx, Mark Walker, David Rouzer, Richard Hudson, Robert Pittenger, Patrick T. McHenry, Mark Meadows, and Ted Budd in Support of Applicants (January 17, 2018)
- Motion for Leave to File Amicus Brief in Support of Emergency Application for Stay for the States of Louisiana, Texas, Michigan, and South Carolina (January 17, 2018)
- Emergency Application for Stay (January 12, 2018)
District Court (Initial Proceedings, 2016-2018)
- Joint Plaintiffs’ and State Defendants’ Notice Regarding Special Master Submission (January 16, 2018)
- Memorandum Opinion and Order Denying Legislative Defendants’ Emergency Motion to Stay (January 16, 2018)
- Plaintiffs’ Joint Brief in Opposition to Legislative Defendants’ Emergency Motion to Stay Pending Supreme Court Review and Request for Expedited Ruling (January 12, 2018)
- Notice of Appeal (January 11, 2018)
- Order (January 11, 2018)
- Legislative Defendants Emergency Motion to Stay Pending Supreme Court Review and and Request for Expedited Ruling (January 11, 2018)
- Common Cause Plaintiffs’ Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (November 6, 2017)
- Memorandum Opinion (January 9, 2018)
- Legislative Defendants’ Post-Trial Brief (November 6, 2017)
- Common Cause Plaintiffs’ Post-Trial Brief (November 6, 2017)
- League of Women Voters North Carolina Plaintiffs’ Final Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (November 6, 2017)
- League of Women Voters’ Post-Trial Brief (November 6, 2017)
Legislative Defendants’ Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (November 6, 2017) - Final Pretrial Order (October 4, 2017)
- Notice of Hearing (September 11, 2017)
- Memorandum Opinion (September 8, 2017)
- Order Denying Defendants’ Motion to Stay (August 29, 2017)
- Legislative Defendants’ Reply Brief in Support of Motion to Stay (July 31, 2017)
- Common Cause Plaintiffs’ Response in Opposition to Legislative Defendants’ Motion to Stay (July 17, 2017)
- Legislative Defendants’ Motion to Stay (June 26, 2017)
- Legislative Defendants’ Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Stay (June 26, 2017)
- Notice of Hearing (June 8, 2017)
- League of Women Voters Plaintiff’s Trial Brief (June 5, 2017)
- Common Cause Plaintiffs’ Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (June 5, 2017)
- Defendants’ Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (June 5, 2017)
- League of Women Voters Plaintiffs’ Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (June 5, 2017)
- Notice of Trial Calendar (May 23, 2017)
- Defendants’ Answer to Plaintiffs’ Amended Complaint (March 3, 2017)
- Order (March 3, 2017)
- Memorandum Opinion (March 3, 2017)
- Defendants’ Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs’ First Amended Complaint (February 21, 2017)
- Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs’ First Amended Complaint (February 21, 2017)
- Scheduling Order (February 14, 2017)
- Joint Consent Motion to Consolidate for Discovery and Trial (February 7, 2017)
- Order on Joint Motion to Consolidate for Discovery and Trial (February 7, 2017)
- Order Granting Plaintiffs’ Motion for Pretrial Conference (December 19, 2016)
- Defendant’s Reply Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss (December 7, 2016)
- Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss (November 23, 2016)
- Defendants’ Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss (October 31, 2016)
- Motion to Dismiss (October 31, 2016)
- Motion for Extension of Time (September 15, 2016)
- Amended Complaint (September 7, 2016)
- Complaint (August 5, 2016)