Youth Voting

Young people are the future of our democracy, and Common Cause is winning reforms that empower the next generation to take action.

From gun violence to climate change to the cost of college, young people are directly impacted by today’s public policy decisions. Common Cause fights to ensure that they have a meaningful say in our democracy by lowering the voting age to 16, bringing on democracy fellows who engage their college campuses in pro-democracy work, and leading other youth voting efforts.

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What We’re Doing

Election Protection


Election Protection

Our votes are our voice in determining the future of our communities and country. Common Cause mobilizes volunteers to assist voters navigate the voting process.

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Verify Election Claims

Voting Tools

Verify Election Claims

With the threat of disinformation, voters need to know the facts! Verify election claims and information using our trusted sources
Write Your Representative: Pass The Youth Voting Rights Act!

Letter Campaign

Write Your Representative: Pass The Youth Voting Rights Act!

Voting is a fundamental right in any democracy. It’s time to secure that right for all Americans by passing the Youth Voting Rights Act. This landmark bill would: Expand voter registration on campus Let young people in every state pre-register to vote before turning 18. Require colleges & universities to have on-campus polling places. Block state laws meant to suppress the youth vote. Invest in young people’s participation in our democracy. Young voters deserve more...

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Voting Tool

Find My Polling Place

Democracy works best when we all do our civic duty and vote. Pick your state from this list to find out where you need to go to cast your ballot.

Voting Tool

Find My Local Election Office

Use this secure tool to look up your local election office.

Voting Tool

Verify My Voter Registration Status

Make sure you are registered to vote! It takes less than 30 seconds to check your registration status with our free, secure tool. And if you're not registered, we'll help you register.

Voting Tool

Track My Ballot

This election year, we're encouraging voters to check the status of their absentee ballot. It only takes a couple of minutes – click on your state below to get started.


Common Cause Urges Passage of Youth Voting Rights Act

Press Release

Common Cause Urges Passage of Youth Voting Rights Act

On the anniversary of the ratification of the 26th Amendment, Common Cause reaffirms its commitment to further protecting and expanding youth access to the ballot, urging Congress to pass the Youth Voting Rights Act of 2023.

Yahoo! News/Texas Tribune: Most 18-year-old Texans aren’t signed up to vote despite a law requiring voter registration in high schools

News Clip

Yahoo! News/Texas Tribune: Most 18-year-old Texans aren’t signed up to vote despite a law requiring voter registration in high schools

Katya Ehresman, voting rights program manager at Common Cause Texas, noted that some states reward schools that register students. Tennessee acknowledges schools that reach a certain voter registration threshold, and Pennsylvania has a governor’s civic engagement award to celebrate schools that register 85% of eligible students to vote, for example.

Common Cause also recommends that the secretary of state’s office mail each school voter registration applications, instead of requiring schools to request them twice a year.

Common Cause Hire Bolsters Voting & Democracy Program for 2024 Election

Press Release

Common Cause Hire Bolsters Voting & Democracy Program for 2024 Election

With the 2024 primaries underway and the general election fast approaching, Common Cause is pleased to announce Jay Young as its Senior Director of Voting & Democracy. In the newly-created position, he will oversee the organization’s legislative, operational, and legal strategies to advance reforms that allow all Americans to participate in elections and to oppose efforts to restrict voting rights.



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