2354 results

NEW HAMPSHIRE: 100+ State Legislators Urge Senators Shaheen and Hassan to โ€˜do everything in your power to passโ€™ Federal Pro-Voter Bills

In a letter to U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan, the state legislators urge their federal counterparts to โ€œdo everything in your power to passโ€ the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

New ‘State of the Swamp’ Report Focuses on President Trump’s First 100 Days

President Trump “has presided over the most corrupt first hundred days in the history of the American presidency,” Common Cause asserts in a report released today.

Digital Democracy Activists

The Movement that has proved that the People can Fight for Information Access and win!

Tell Congress: No guns at the polls

Every voter must be able to cast a ballot without fear or intimidation. Guns do NOT belong at polling places.


Learn more about our current internship opportunities and play an active role in our work to strengthen American democray.

Tell Congress: REJECT attempts to undermine our Census

Adding a citizenship question to the U.S. Census and excluding millions of U.S. residents from apportionment counts would discourage countless Americans, whether theyโ€™re citizens or not, from filling out the Census.

Getting Census counts right is critical to making sure our government works for everyone. Congress must REJECT this dangerous legislation and help protect fair and accurate Census counts.

Common Cause/NY Statement on Trump Guilty Verdict

NEW YORK, NY -- This evening, a jury in Manhattan found former President Trump guilty on 34 counts. In response, Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY issued the following statement:

"This case was always about hiding key information from voters, and now a jury of the former president's peers have confirmed that he lied to the public by falsifying business records in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. This is a felony punishable with jail time or probation, and just like anyone else convicted of...

Corrie v. Simon

Common Cause Minnesota, OneMN.org, Voices for Racial Justice, and individual Minnesota voters filed a lawsuit to protect representation for people of color in the redistricting process.

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Republican Party of New Mexico v. Oliver Amicus Brief

Common Cause New Mexico and our partners filed an amicus brief in support of neither party to provide guidance to the court in this challenge to the state's congressional district map.



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