2354 results

Stop letting candidates who lose the popular vote win the presidency

We urge states across the country to join the National Popular Vote Compact โ€“ and stop letting candidates who lose the popular vote win the presidency.

Common Cause Joins With More Than 100 Groups In Urging Senators to Challenge Supreme Court Nominee on Troubling Money in Politics Record

Today, Common Cause joined with more than 100 organization in urging Senate Leaders challenge Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, to clarify his position on the power of big money in politics.


The most common and perhaps simplest way to include Common Cause in your estate plans is a bequest.

Tell Congress: No One Is Above the Law

The Supreme Courtโ€™s dangerous presidential immunity ruling goes against accountability, the rule of law, and our Constitution.

Congress must pass Rep. Morelle’s constitutional amendment to permanently declare that no American is above the law โ€“ not even former presidents โ€“ and prohibit presidents from pardoning themselves.

Common Cause Urges โ€œNoโ€ Vote on Anti-Voter SAVE Act

Common Cause Urges โ€œNoโ€ Vote on Anti-Voter SAVE Act

Common Cause is urging every member of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote โ€œnoโ€ when the โ€œSAVEโ€ Act is expected to be brought to the floor later this week. The letter flags the legislation as a solution in search of a problem and stresses that the proposed โ€œsolutionโ€ would actually deny the right to vote to millions of Americans. Common Cause plans to key-vote this legislation in its Democracy Scorecard, which is sent to its more than 1.5 million members,...

Common Cause Announces Five New Board Members

Today, democracy watchdog Common Cause announced the addition of five new members to its National Governing Board, representing a diverse cross-section of allies and experts all deeply committed to safeguarding our democracy.

Have an Election Conversation

Use our tested method for having effective conversations about our elections. Talking to friends and family is the most effective way to equip voters with election information and information verification skills.

These conversations are impactful, long lasting, and can also be intimidating. But there is too much at stake to skip these crucial conversations

Disinformation Tip Line

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 is a dangerous policy playbook being pushed by extremists. It could threaten basic freedoms by gutting checks and balances and consolidating power in the office of the president, like other authoritarian governments.

Tell Congress: Hold SCOTUS Accountable

Congress must take bold action now to pass a strong, binding Supreme Court Code of Conduct and overrule the Courtโ€™s disastrous ruling on presidential immunity.

These crucial reforms would ensure that nobody โ€“ not presidents, nor judges โ€“ is above the law.



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