2355 results

Associated Press: New Twitter rules expose election offices to spoof accounts

โ€œBecause Twitter is dropping the ball on verification, the burden will fall on voters to double check that the information they are consuming and sharing is legitimate,โ€ said Jill Greene, voting and elections manager for Common Cause Pennsylvania.

Dallas Morning News/PolitiFact: Yes, a Texas bill would give GOP power to call election do-overs in Harris County

โ€œAs written, the bill does not clearly define โ€˜good causeโ€™ and that is a serious problem that could easily throw our elections into chaos,โ€ said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a group aiming to keep elections free, fair and accessible.

The Nation: North Carolina Republicans Just Took Gerrymandering to a Whole New Level

โ€œItโ€™s a radical departureโ€ฆa 180-degree change in how we have considered our system of government and the role of courts,โ€ said Hilary Harris Klein, senior counsel for voting rights for a coalition of Southern-based groups, including Common Cause.

Tribune News Service/Inside Sources/St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Op-Ed): The Supreme Court should not be its own referee

The Supreme Court cannot be its own referee. Justices have tried and failed repeatedly at that. We should expect all public officials to abide by high ethical standards when conducting the peopleโ€™s business -- with no exceptions.

Tribune News Service/Inside Sources/Las Vegas Sun (Op-Ed): Election denialism is still a threat

The lifting of bans on former president Trump by Twitter and Facebook hammers home the point that there is little interest from social media platforms in combating election disinformation. The platforms are scaling back content moderation at a time when consistent enforcement of civic integrity policies can be most impactful. The next year is pivotal, not just in state legislatures but for people's attitudes toward democracy and the information they receive about it.

Spectrum News: Texas House panel debates quitting election cross-check program ERIC

โ€œItโ€™s been helpful and necessary in making sure that our administration of elections is more safe and secure,โ€ said Katya Ehresman, the voting rights program manager at Common Cause Texas.

But some Republicans say Texas should no longer be a member of this group. A bill by Houston-area Rep. Jacey Jetton would put an expiration date on the stateโ€™s participation in ERIC. Texas would need to create its own alternative cross-check program. Ehresman said other states, such as Kansas and Florida, that have left ERIC have seen...

USA Today/Gannett: GOP billionaire Harlan Crow purchased property from Justice Clarence Thomas, according to new report

"Americans expect and deserve a fair and impartial Supreme Court and we need transparency in order to identify potential conflicts and to restore public trust in our nationโ€™s highest court,โ€ Common Cause co-president Marilyn Carpinteyro said earlier this week, before the latest revelation. "The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly proven itself incapable of policing itself without a code of ethics."

Tribune News Service/Inside Sources/MSN (Op-Ed): No American is above the law, not even former presidents

At the height of the Watergate crisis, the Department of Justice determined that the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting president โ€œwould unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.โ€ That policy has not changed, but that is not the policy for candidates for the nationโ€™s highest office. Running for president cannot and must not serve as a shield to allow criminal conduct to go unpunished.

New York Post: Gov. Kathy Hochul slammed for fundraising pitch amid tense budget talks

โ€œGovernor Hochul โ€” and all lawmakers โ€” should be focused on passing the state budget as soon as possible, not fundraising,โ€ said Susan Lerner, executive director of NY Common Cause.

Lerner noted that part of the budget would help fund a new public campaign finance program aimed at reducing the role of fat cat donors in elections. Candidates who accept lower dollar donations would get public matching funds.

โ€œIf we had a successful and robust public financing program, lawmakers would be concentrated on...

New York Times: Michael Cohenโ€™s Long Arc From Trump Ally to Chief Antagonist

But one issue trailed him: a complaint had been filed with the Federal Election Commission by the good-government group Common Cause about his payment to Ms. Daniels, which was publicly revealed in January 2018 by The Wall Street Journal.



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