2355 results

Net Neutrality Day of Action: Statement of Michael Copps former FCC Commissioner & Common Cause Special Advisor

The Trump Administration's fake net neutrality scheme is a ridiculous illustration of the price we pay for the outrageous influence of money in politics.

Common Cause Praises Senate Intelligence Committee Investigation into Russian Cyber Attacks on US Elections; Urges Action to Prepare for Future Threats

Today, Common Cause praised the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for its investigation into the Russian government’s cyber attacks on the U.S. election infrastructure and urged the Committee to make recommendations which would safeguard the United States from future attacks.

Common Cause Members Demand Congress Name Independent Commission Whether or Not Trump Fires Mueller

To even float the idea of firing Robert Mueller through conservative media outlets is an affront to the most sacred values of our democracy. Despite what the assemblage of ‘yes men’ surrounding President Trump have told him, James Comey’s testimony not only failed to vindicate the President but raised serious concerns that the President of the United States abused his power in an attempt to stop the investigation. Comey’s testimony raised very serious concerns that Trump made a concerted effort to obstruct justice by...

Trump Firing of Comey & Russian Election Attack Must be Investigated by Independent Commission

James Comey’s handling of major investigations involving both presidential candidates has drawn extensive criticism but President Trump has no business firing him while the president, his campaign, and members of his Administration are under investigation for possible collusion in the Russian attacks on the 2016 presidential election.

Common Cause Files Ethics Complaint Over State Department Promotion of Trump Mar-a-Lago Club

Today, Common Cause filed a complaint with the office of Government Ethics and the U.S. Department of State calling for an investigation into the latter’s publication of an article promoting Mar-a-Lago, which the article refers to as the ‘Winter White House’ owned and operated by President Trump as a private club. The ethics complaint concerns an article the State Department’s ShareAmerica website published profiling the history of the Trump property and describing the Palm Beach club—which doubled its initiation...

Federal Communications Commission Votes Pushes Monopolist Agenda

Today, the Federal Communications Commission dealt a body blow to the public interest by votingvoted to entrench monopoly in broadcasting and business broadband, Common Cause said. The FCC majority eliminated price restraints on Business Data Services (BDS), allowing incumbent carriers to charge exorbitant rates on small businesses across the country. In a separate proceeding, the same majority voted to reinstate a legal loophole that broadcasters exploit to monopolize ever more of the airwaves.

Common Cause Complaint Urges Investigation & Disciplinary Action Against Kellyanne Conway for Ethics Violations

Common Cause Complaint Urges Investigation & Disciplinary Action Against Kellyanne Conway for Ethics Violations

Statement of Former FCC Commissioner & Common Cause Special Advisor Michael Copps on Appointment of Ajit Pai to Chairman of FCC

"I am totally convinced the majority of Americans, including many who voted for the new president, strongly favor an open internet and a media ecosystem that is up to the task of informing democracy,”

Common Cause Joins Senator McCain in Calling for Select Committee to Investigate Russian Interference in 2016 Election

The increasing evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election demands an exhaustive investigation and expedited bi-partisan hearings. The troubling findings of the U.S. intelligence community and are only compounded by the unprecedented lack of transparency concerning business connections between President-elect Donald Trump and Russian interests.

AT&T Time Warner Merger Would Harm Consumers: Statement of Michael Copps, former FCC Commissioner and Common Cause Special Adviser

“Allowing a communications behemoth like AT&T to swallow the Time Warner media empire should be unthinkable. The sorry history of mega mergers shows they run roughshod over the public interest. Further entrenching monopoly harms innovation and drives up prices for consumers. The answer is clear: regulators must say no” said former FCC Commissioner and Common Cause Special Adviser Michael Copps.



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