2354 results

Common Cause Asks Court to Release the Secret Files of the GOP Gerrymandering Mastermind

Common Cause Continues Calls for Congressional Impeachment Investigation as Vote Approaches  

Today, as the House Judiciary Committee prepares to vote on an impeachment inquiry, Common Cause continued its call for Members to support the investigation in response to White House non-cooperation and stonewalling of any attempts to investigate past and current potential criminal conduct or wrongdoing by President Trump or members of his administration. Common Cause mobilized its 1.2 million members over the congressional recess to gain additional Member support for the impeachment inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives.   

Common Cause Urges States to Expand Voter Registration through Lottery Tickets

Today, in advance of National Voter Registration Day on September 24th, Common Cause called on state lottery commissioners throughout the country to add voter registration information to the back of lottery tickets. In a letter to commissioners in the 45 states with lotteries, the nonpartisan government watchdog emphasized how this common-sense step could reach thousands of potential voters.

DOJ & FEC Complaints Filed Against Kris Kobach & We Build the Wall, Inc. for Illegal Campaign Solicitation 

Today, Common Cause filed complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging reason to believe that solicitations for campaign contributions to former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s Senate campaign distributed by We Build the Wall, Inc. violated multiple campaign finance laws. The email solicitation appears to violate the ban on corporate contributions to a federal candidate and the prohibition on candidates spending “soft money” in connection with their election. The email...

Common Cause Calls for Congressional Impeachment Investigation to Counter White House Stonewalling

Today, Common Cause called on the U.S. House of Representatives to immediately begin an impeachment investigation in response to White House non-cooperation and stonewalling of any attempts to investigate past and current potential criminal conduct or wrongdoing by President Trump or members of his administration. In new a detailed report that will be sent to every member of the House, the nonpartisan government watchdog makes the case, and stresses the need, for the impeachment inquiry. 

Common Cause Launches Campaign to Get Presidential Candidate on the Record About Democracy Reforms

Today, Common Cause is launching a new effort to ensure voters’ right to know where presidential candidates stand on practical solutions to the challenges facing our democracy. The Our Democracy 2020 campaign will focus getting every presidential candidate in the Democratic and Republican primaries to respond to a 17-question survey and inject the high priority conversation on the need for democracy reform in the presidential campaign. 

Common Cause Hails Vital House Vote, Urges Senate to Take Up Election Security

“Today’s passage of the bipartisan SAFE Act in the House is a large critically important step toward safeguarding our elections. It is now up to the Senate to pass strong election security legislation. Our election systems have been breached by a hostile foreign power. Those attacks continue to this day and they will not stop during the 2020 elections, so we must be ready."

Common Cause Urges U.S. House Members to Pass Critical Election Security Legislation in SAFE Act

Common Cause is urging every member of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote “yes” on the Securing America’s Federal Elections (SAFE) Act (HR 2722) when it goes to a floor vote later this week. A Monday letter to Members emphasized that the critical legislation will help ensure that states and localities get the necessary resources and take key steps to make our election infrastructure resilient in the face of the ongoing attacks by hostile nation state actors.

Common Cause Applauds State Attorneys General For Moving to Block Anticompetitive T-Mobile/Sprint Merger

Today, ten states attorneys general led by New York Attorney General Letitia James and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed a lawsuit to block the proposed T-Mobile-Sprint merger. The lawsuit argues that if approved, the merger would lead to higher prices, fewer choices, and less innovation for consumers. New York and California were joined in the lawsuit by Colorado, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, Virginia, and Wisconsin

On Anniversary of Net Neutrality Repeal, Common Cause Demands Senator McConnell Allow Vote On Save the Internet Act

Today marks the one year anniversary of the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of net neutrality. Since the repeal, broadband service providers have been free to block, throttle, or create fast lanes and slow lanes by charging websites extra fees to prioritize their content. Since the repeal, there’s been evidence of broadband service providers throttling speeds, degrading video quality, and creating service plans that favor their own services over competitors.



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