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Common Cause

REJECT and RESCIND any calls for an Article V Convention

We the People will not allow unelected, unaccountable delegates to write their agenda into our Constitution. Our state lawmakers must reject any new Article V Convention calls and rescind any existing calls for a Convention.

Net Neutrality

Americans rely on the internet to access the information necessary to pursue education, gain employment, receive healthcare, and get civically engaged in our democratic process.

SCOTUS Strikes Down Injunction Barring Contacts with Social Media Platforms on Disinformation

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down an injunction barring the White House and other government agencies from communicating with and encouraging social media platforms to curb the spread of mis- and disinformation. The injunction also limited the governmentโ€™s ability to communicate with civil society groups to limit disinformation online.

Stop letting candidates who lose the popular vote win the presidency

We urge states across the country to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact โ€“ and stop letting candidates who lose the popular vote win the presidency.

High Scores for New Jersey on Common Causeโ€™s 2024 Democracy Scorecard

โ€œOur 2024 Democracy Scorecard shows a surge of support in Congress for reforms that strengthen the right to vote, take back the Supreme Court, and break big moneyโ€™s grip on our politics."

A long way to go: Voters of color are still waiting for the promise of the VRA

Fifty-nine years ago on Tuesday, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law, saying โ€œit is not enough just to give men rights. They must be able to use those rights in their personal pursuit of happiness.โ€

New Tools to Destroy Partisan Gerrymandering Recognized in Common Cause Writing Contest

As Common Cause takes its quest to end partisan gerrymandering to the U.S. Supreme Court in Common Cause v. Rucho, it is also promoting a toolkit for courts and advocates to determine whether partisan gerrymandering has effectively taken away votersโ€™ voices. A new and important tool, a โ€œSwiss Army knifeโ€ paper written by Princeton University neuroscientist Samuel S. Wang and his team, pulls together several different legal and math approaches and explains how they all work together. Today he is named the winner of Common Causeโ€™s third...

Newsday/InsideSources.com (Op-Ed): President Trump should testify in his impeachment trial

With Chief Justice John Roberts sworn in and every senator a duly sworn juror now considering the Articles of impeachment against Donald John Trump, 45th president of the United States, every American, regardless of political belief, must demand fairness, transparency and facts. The chief justice and the Senate must ensure fairness and provide transparency. Trump and his team must tell us the facts or face perjury charges as well.

Gerrymander Gazette

Common Cause’s Gerrymander Gazette newsletter tells you everything you need to know about the fight for fair representation being waged across the United States.

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