2354 results

Common Cause and Georgia NAACP Appeal Lower Court Ruling Greenlighting Georgia Voter Roll Purge

Common Cause and the Georgia NAACP filed notice of appeal today with the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in response to a lower court dismissal of their complaint against Georgia Secretary of State Kemp for violating section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) regarding how voters are purged from the registration rolls.

Common Cause Urges Senate to Oppose House Bill 515’s Racial Gerrymander & Exposure to Voting Rights Litigation

Today, Common Cause Georgia urged the state Senate to oppose House bill 515, a gerrymandering proposal dropped at the end of session on short notice and cleared through committee in minutes without public comment. The letter to Senate leadership emphasizes that significant numbers of Black voters would be packed into legislative districts with “safe” seats – thereby diluting their voting power to elect candidates of their choice - in order to move new white voters into Republican legislative districts that were carried by...

Common Cause and 170 Allies Call on FCC and Congress to Protect and Enforce Strong Net Neutrality Rules and Secure the Open Internet

On the eve of the Senate Commerce Committee’s first Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Oversight Hearing of 2017, Common Cause and 170 allied public interest organizations sent a letter to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune and Ranking Member Bill Nelson calling for the protection of the free and open internet. The letter urges these leaders to support and continue to enforce the 2015 Open Internet Order and to oppose legislative and regulatory actions that would threaten the strong net...

FEC Complaint: Trump Filed False Campaign Report in Violation of Election Law

Common Cause and the Campaign Legal Center filed a complaint today with the Federal Election Commission alleging Donald Trump’s campaign committee violated federal election law by illegally accepting campaign contributions after Election Day and falsely reporting those contributions for “debt retirement,” even though no debt existed. These false reports could have the effect of illegally increasing the amount Trump could accept from contributors for his 2020 reelection campaign.

Common Cause Demands Resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Common Cause demanded the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and that his successor name a special prosecutor to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election. Common Cause delivered a letter calling for his resignation during a protest outside the Department of Justice.

Common Cause Urges Senate to Delay Scott Pruitt Vote Until Court Rules on Open Records Request

Common Cause Urges Senate to Delay Scott Pruitt Vote Until Court Rules on Open Records Request

Flynn Scandal Emphasizes Need for Select Committee Investigation of Russian Election Influence

Democracy, and the American voters’ faith in it, depends on free and fair elections. Voters deserve an impartial investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race by a Bipartisan Select Committee.

Common Cause Urges Rep. Chaffetz to Investigate Rampant Conflicts of Interest & Ethics Violations in Trump White House

Common Cause is urging House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) to investigate rampant conflicts of interest, apparent violations of the Constitution’s emoluments clause, and ethics violations by President Trump, his staff, and his family. The letter encourages Rep. Chaffetz to hold a series of hearings to investigate and ensure that President Trump is in compliance with the law and putting the interests of the American people before his own personal financial interests.

In Opposition to Sessions Nomination, Common Cause Activists Deliver Petitions to Senate Offices from Alaska to Florida

Today, Common Cause activists in a dozen states are delivering petitions urging their U.S. Senators to vote against the nomination of Sen. Jefferson Beauregard “Jeff” Sessions III (R-AL) to serve as U.S. Attorney General. For decades, Sen. Sessions has been an outspoken critic of the Voting Rights Act, one of the nation’s most critical pieces of civil and voting rights legislation, which paved the way for an inclusive democracy. As Attorney General, Sessions would be charged with deciding how and when to enforce the Voting...

Trump Must Call for Select Committee if He Wants to Clear his Name & Answer Questions About Russian Interference in 2016 Election

President-elect Trump must call for a Joint Bipartisan Select Committee if he wants to clear his name and answer questions concerning the extent to which Russian government interference helped him win the presidency.



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