2354 results

Common Cause, Allies, Urge Moratorium on Privately-Funded Trips by Lawmakers

House Speaker Paul Ryan should suspend privately-funded foreign travel by House members and staff and launch a formal review of the rules governing it, Common Cause and other advocacy organizations said today.

Common Cause Hails Maine Vote for Accountable Elections

As is their custom, Mainers are leading the way for the nation.

Common Cause Pushes FEC to Toughen Disclosure Requirements

The Federal Election Commission should revamp its rules governing political fundraising and spending to give voters a fuller picture of who is spending money to influence their votes, Common Cause said in a written submission to the FEC on Tuesday.

With DoJ Investigation Complete, IRS Should Re-focus on Writing Clear Rules for Political Nonprofits

“The side-show around Lois Lerner is no longer an excuse for the IRS's failure to provide clear guidance on the limits -- for tax purposes -- of political activity by social welfare organizations. There’s a direct link between the ‘mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia’ identified by the Justice Department today and the IRS’ loophole-ridden regulations on campaign-related political activities by ‘social welfare’ nonprofit organizations. It's long past time to rewrite and reform these...

Common Cause, GWU Law School To Host Redistricting Symposium

We’re writing to alert you to “Redistricting Reform, Mapping Our Future,” a special event hosted by Common Cause and the George Washington University Law School next Wednesday, October 7 at the law school.

Common Cause: Core American Value of Equal Representation Threatened in Evenwel v. Abbott

The Supreme Court should reject claims by two Texas voters that the state has unconstitutionally diluted the value of their ballots by drawing election districts with equal numbers of citizens but unequal numbers of voters, Common Cause argues in a brief filed last week in Evenwel v. Abbott.

Common Cause Hails Sen. Murkowski’s Support for Voting Rights Advancement Act

Thanks to Senator Murkowski for recognizing that democracy is not a partisan issue. Common Cause and especially our 2,000 members and supporters in Alaska applaud her efforts to ensure that the voting rights of thousands of Alaskans who have faced discrimination at the polling place are protected.

Common Cause Urges “Bright Line” Rules for Political Nonprofits

Political organizations posing as “social welfare” nonprofits and pumping hundreds of millions of dollars from hidden donors into political campaigns are depriving voters of information they need to make decisions on Election Day, a Common Cause attorney told senators today.

Common Cause, Allies Urge 2016 Candidates to Embrace “Fighting Big Money” Agenda

To ensure that presidential candidates do more than pay lip service to curbing the influence of money in politics, Common Cause joined other leading advocates today to focus voters and candidates on a detailed “21st Century Democracy Agenda” to modernize and strengthen government of, by, and for the people.

Common Cause, Allies, Win Major Victory Over Gerrymandering in Florida

Florida’s highest court has delivered a major victory to Common Cause and other opponents of gerrymandering, tossing out a set of congressional districts drawn to protect Republican lawmakers and ordering the state legislature to fashion new districts.



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