2354 results

Great GASB! Common Cause Backs Proposed Rules to Disclose Cost of State and Local Corporate Tax Breaks;

Common Cause joined today in calls for an overhaul of outdated and incomplete government accounting practices that hide the true cost of billions of dollars in tax breaks granted to corporations by state and local governments every year.

Common Cause and Center for Media and Democracy Seek Public Records on Wisconsin Gov. Walker’s Trip to Koch Retreat

Watchdog organizations Common Cause and the Center for Media and Democracy jointly filed a public records request today seeking details of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s trip to a fundraising retreat hosted by billionaire industrialist mega-donors Charles and David Koch in Palm Springs, California.

Common Cause Welcomes Sprint’s Embrace of Open Internet

Thanks to Sprint for sprinting ahead on the Open Internet, acknowledging what we have long known: strong net neutrality is good for consumers, competition, innovation and free expression online. Sprint’s competitors could learn a thing a thing or two from its corporate leadership. This is more evidence that it is time for the FCC to act on Title II reclassification.

Commission Proposals Would Shift Power to Voters, Away from Partisan Operators

The redistricting recommendations submitted today by Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s Integrity Commission would go a long way toward shifting political power to voters and away from partisan operatives. The General Assembly should approve them promptly.

Common Cause Hails Ohio Legislature’s Support for Non-Partisan Redistricting

Ohio lawmakers will ask voters to approve a state constitutional amendment reforming the redistricting process

Senate Action Puts Election Assistance Commission Back in Business

Prodded by Common Cause and other election reform advocates, senators provided welcome assistance late Tuesday to dozens of states struggling to run their elections with outmoded, prone-to-breakdown voting machines.

Common Cause Urges House Action to Reverse Citizens United

Common Cause joined in a coalition urging House leaders to schedule a debate and vote on the Democracy of All Amendment before adjourning this month

Statement on the Recommendations of Virginia’s Commission on Integrity and Public Confidence in State Government

The recommendations adopted by the commission today are a welcome step toward a long-overdue strengthening of ethics enforcement in the Commonwealth. We’re particularly pleased with the proposal for creation of an Ethics Review Commission, with authority to initiate and conduct investigations of malfeasance, disclosure and ethics complaints and to impose civil penalties where appropriate.

Common Cause Urges FCC to Heed Obama’s Call for Open Internet Protections

President Obama’s call for strong Open Internet (“net neutrality”) protections under Title II of the Telecommunications Act is an important step toward ensuring that the Internet remains a forum for the free and robust exchange of ideas, Common Cause said today.

Common Cause Urges Georgia Voters Not To Be Deterred By Election Day Problems

Georgians are getting a painful lesson in what happens when state leaders fall down on the job of running a free and fair election. Common Cause said today.



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