2354 results

New Report Examines Redistricting Impact on Native American Communities Post-2020 Census

A new report from Common Cause examines the impact of the recent redistricting cycle on Native American communities. โ€œStronger Together:ย Native Americansโ€™ Fight for Fair Redistricting,โ€ looks at the attempts to undermine the Native American vote through gerrymandering and how a number of them were foiled.

The report focuses particularly on Arizona, Alaska, South Dakota, Oregon, Minnesota, and New Mexico - states with some of the highest population share of Native Americans based on the 2020 Census. It highlights the...

Keep Florida Voting

New laws and voting rules can be confusing, but together we can make sure all eligible Florida voters have access to the ballot box.

New York State Legislative Advocacy

When we fight, we win.

Groups Urge Census Changes to Accurately Count Prison Populations For Redistricting

Today, Common Cause and the Prison Policy Initiative urged the U.S. Census Bureau to change how it counts prison populations each decade. The Bureauโ€™s use of differential privacy, the intentional infusion of inaccurate information into population data, creates unnecessary miscounts in data used by state and local officials for redistricting. In a letter to Director Robert L. Santos and other senior officials, the groups emphasized that the populations of correctional facilities are already publicly available and that differential privacy is...
Common Cause

Fight back against Big Money’s influence: Overturn Citizens United

Corporations, special interest groups, and some of the wealthiest people in the country are spending billions of dollars to influence the 2024 elections — effectively drowning out the voices of everyday Americans.

That’s why I’m calling on Congress to overturn the Supreme Courtโ€™s disastrous Citizens United decision — and also pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the DISCLOSE Act — to fight back against our country’s Big Money problem.

As a Matter of Fact: The Harms Caused by Election Disinformation Report

Donald Trumpโ€™s Big Lie is working, and we have to respond. Just as we came together last year, rising up to vote safely and securely in record numbers during a global pandemic, we must now rise up to stop election disinformation efforts in future elections.

New York Times story raises questions that need answers

CBS News: George Santos won a seat in Congress on a resume full of inconsistencies. Some supporters now want answers.

Ethics watchdogs are also monitoring developments. Susan Lerner, executive director for Common Cause New York, called on Santos to resign. Lerner told CBS News she had never seen an instance like this. "This is really, really breathtakingly shocking," Lerner said. "There have been instances where candidates have exaggerated their backgroundโ€ฆhaven't seen anybody who's made up an entirely false life story."

It's unclear whether House GOP leadership will urge any action. "There are always charlatans who will try and fool the...

For the People Act (HR 1) Offers Congressional Answers to American Electorateโ€™s Demands for Democracy Reforms

Americans across the country have been demanding and passing democracy reforms at the state and local level, and they expect the same from their representatives in Congress. The opportunity to move a series of hearings and a mark-up of the For the People Act (H.R. 1) marks the first viable move in nearly a decade to respond to overwhelming public demand for sweeping reforms. The proposed legislation offers a broad set of democracy reforms at a time when government of, by, and for the people is under siege.

On Eve of Putin-Trump Meeting, Mueller Investigation Indicts 12 Russian Military Officials: Americans Demand Answers

Statement by Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn



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