2356 results

Comey’s Out, But the Russia-Trump Probe Must Continue

There were plenty of good reasons to fire James Comey, but President Trump’s decision to dismiss him now is indefensible and the White House’s explanation for it is laughable,

Common Cause Wisconsin Joins Panel to Discuss an End to Gerrymandering

Common Cause Wisconsin Executive Director Jay Heck joined University of Wisconsin Political Science Professor David Canon and John Nichols of The Nation and The Capital Times to discuss gerrymandering in Wisconsin. Organizing For Action sponsored the event, which attracted a full house at the Alicia Ashman Library in Madison. Common Cause Wisconsin also sponsored the event along with Fair Elections Project, Indivisible Madison, and Citizen Action.

Senate Committee’s Russia-Trump Probe Stalls Out

Just a few weeks ago, the Senate Intelligence Committee looked like the best hope for those of us holding out hope that Congress might conduct a serious investigation of Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. No more.

Common Cause Suit Challenges North Carolina Legislature

A lawsuit filed Wednesday by Common Cause North Carolina and 10 Carolinians asks a state court to nullify two bills passed at a special session of the state legislature last December because legislative leaders provided no advance public notice of their meeting.

Common Cause NY Joins March for Trump Accountability

With "Hold Power Accountable" on one side and "People. Action. Democracy." on the other side of blue signs, our fierce band of Common Causers stuck together in Bryant Park for the Tax March on Saturday, April 15th.

Finding Common Ground on Democracy’s Future

Common Cause national chair Robert Reich and Weekly Standard publisher Bill Kristol are longtime leaders on the left and right, respectively, of American politics. But they found plenty to agree on during a March 14 forum at Common Cause’s Washington D.C. office.

Nunes Quits House Committee’s Russia Probe

House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes, R-CA, this morning surrendered leadership of the committee’s investigation of Russia’s involvement in last year’s election.

Big Telecom and Big Cable Score Another Big Win

Ever notice that when you go shopping online, ads for whatever you were shopping for show up in your Facebook and Twitter feeds and on other web pages you visit? Action in Congress on Tuesday dramatically increased the likelihood that you’ll soon be seeing even more such ads.

Committee Gives Trump More Time

The Trump administration has secured a one week stay on compliance with a demand from congressional investigators that it supply evidence to back up the president’s tweeted allegation that former President Barack Obama ordered wiretaps of Trump campaign telephones last year.

House Committee Moves to Shut Election Assistance Agency, End Public Financing of Presidential Campaigns

A House committee has voted to shut down the Election Assistance Commission and end public financing of presidential campaigns



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