2354 results

Common Cause Urges Special Counsel Robert Mueller to Testify Publicly Before Congress

Today, Common Cause urged Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify publicly before Congress so that the American people can hear in his own voice of the gravity of his findings and of the ongoing threat to the integrity of our elections from hostile foreign powers. The open letter to the Special Counsel emphasizes that very few Americans have had the time to read the dense and complex 448-page report and none have seen the underlying documentation behind the โ€œReport on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential...

Testimony of Karen Hobert Flynn on H.R. 1โ€™s Executive Ethics Provisions Today Before the House Oversight Committee

Today at 10:00 a.m. Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn will testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform at its hearing โ€œH.R. 1, For the People Act: Strengthening Ethics Rules for the Executive Branchโ€ in Room 2154 of the Rayburn House Office Building. Her full written testimony was submitted to the Committee in advance of the hearing.

Ford & Kavanaugh Testimony Highlight Complete Lack of Senate Investigation

No senator should be pushing for a vote on Judge Kavanaughโ€™s nomination to a lifetime seat on the highest court in the land. A vote tomorrow would be reckless and irresponsible. There is not enough information for any senator to provide informed advice and consent.

Constituents Urged Intelligence Committee to Have Jeff Sessions Testify Publicly on Russian Election Interference

Common Cause members were on the phone early today from Maine to Arizona urging their representatives on the Senate Intelligence Committee to have Attorney General Jeff Sessions testify publicly tomorrow on alleged ties between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and the Administration’s efforts to stifle the investigation of possible collusion. The Committee announced a short time ago that Sessions would testimony publicly.

Ahead of Comey Testimony, Rally Urges Members of Congress to Investigate Trump Campaign Ties to Russia

Today, members of 19 national organizations delivered the signatures of more than 4 million people to members of Congress urging a full investigation into President Trump’s campaign ties to Russia. The press conference and petition delivery specifically called on members of Congress to support a discharge petition sponsored by Rep. Eric Swalwell and Rep. Elijah Cummings to create an independent commission to investigate the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.

James Comey Should Testify Publicly, Memo and Tapes Could Reveal Obstruction of Justice

The conduct of President Trump alleged in media reports appear to represent the commission of a felony by Donald Trump. If true, The New York Times report that President Trump asked FBI Director James Comey to end the agency’s investigation of Michael Flynn would constitute obstruction of justice which is an impeachable offense. The accusations must be fully investigated by an independent commission and a special prosecutor.

Yates and Clapper Testimony & Attacks on French Election Further Prove Need for Independent Commission on Russia Attacks

As more key witnesses testify before Congressional committees it is becoming increasingly clear that only an independent commission can do a credible investigation of the Russian attack on the 2016 presidential investigation. In a new letter to Congress sent today, Common Cause urged Member to convene an independent body with the power and will to follow the investigation wherever it leads.

Common Cause Announces Winners of National Contest to End Gerrymandering

Common Cause announces winners of 2nd annual gerrymander writing competition

The greatest benefit of public funding of campaigns comes after Election Day

The Sept. 26 Metro article “Montgomery vote nears on public funding of campaigns” focused on the reelection rates of political incumbents. The real value of public financing becomes apparent after Election Day. Candidates who rely on small donations supplemented by matching funds can make serving the public interest, not the private interests of their major donors, their priority.

Common Cause Hails Latest ALEC Departures

Common Cause Hails Latest ALEC Departures



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