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How An Obscure Writing Contest Could Put An End To Partisan Gerrymandering

News article from ThinkProgress

Case Will Test Consitutionality of the Filibuster

The non-partisan advocacy group Common Cause has filed a law suit with the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., to get the Senate's use of the filibuster declared unconstitutional. Weekends on All Things Considered host Guy Raz speaks with Common Cause president Bob Edgar.

Activists to Protest as Billionaires’ Caucus Plans Political Agenda

Latest Judicial Filibuster Strengthens Case for Senate Action to Restore Majority Rule

Members, Experts Testify at Congressional Hearing for Fair Elections Now Act

Press Advisory: Religious and Civic Leaders to Hold Civil Disobedience in Capitol today to Protest Immoral Budget Cuts

Religious, civic leaders arrested in civil disobedience protest at US Capitol

Secret, Outside Money Will Dominate N.H. Senate Contest Unless Candidates Adopt “People’s Pledge”

As outside dark money groups pump cash into the race, former U.S. Sen. Scott Brown is spurning the People's Pledge on outside campaign spending that he championed in 2012.

Shareholders and Activists Protest Duke Energy’s Political Spending, Environmental Record

Political spending, including more than $1.1 million spent in support of North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory has become a focal point in the debate over how to pay for cleaning up the Dan River coal ash spill and better protect the public against future spills

Politico: Cuomo pledged to end partisan gerrymandering. His plan just failed its biggest test.

โ€œIt wasnโ€™t an independent commission โ€ฆ The entire way it was set up was problematic from the beginning,โ€ said Susan Lernerย of Common Cause New York. Lerner, the executive director of the civic activist group, won a 2014 lawsuit asking a court to block the appearance of the word โ€œindependentโ€ on the ballot when the constitutional amendment went to voters as a referendum, arguing it was misleading to give the commission that label.



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