2354 results

Voting Tools

The freedom to have your voice heard is about determining the future for our families, communities, and country. Use these secure, free voting tools to register to vote, check your registration status, request and absentee ballot, and more.

Election Protection

Our votes are our voice in determining the future of our communities and country. Common Cause mobilizes volunteers to assist voters navigate the voting process.

LWV Utah v. Utah State Legislature Amicus Brief

Common Cause filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court of the State of Utah to protect the 2018 voter-approved citizens redistricting commission in League of Women Voters of Utah v. Utah State Legislature. In the brief, we underscore how the state has ignored the will of the people by passing legislation that imposes impartial voting maps and abandons the key principles of fair redistricting.

Carter/Gressman v. Chapman

We moved to intervene in a case to determine the redistricting of Pennsylvania's congressional map, and ultimately participated as amicus by submitting a proposed map to the court.

WATCH: Common Cause speaks up for Georgia voters

Expand Voting Rights in Indiana

Indiana ranks 50th for voter turnout because of some of the nation's most restricting voting laws.

Syracuse Newspaper Slams Use of “Independent” in New York Ballot Measure Description

A Syracuse Post-Standard editorial criticized New York state’s Board of Elections for using “independent” in the official ballot language describing a proposed commission to redraw legislative lines after each census.

New Hampshire earns high marks in new election study

New Hampshire earns high marks in new election study

New report warns that Michigan is vulnerable to election day ‘dirty tricks,’ praises state’s outreach to new citizens

New report warns that Michigan is vulnerable to election day 'dirty tricks,' praises state's outreach to new citizens



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