2354 results

New York Times: A New Delay for Census Numbers Could Scramble Congressional Elections

โ€œThe concern in some of those states is that the legislators will simply use a special session to secretly pass maps with zero public scrutiny, and then count on a tight timetable to eke out at least one election cycleโ€ before a court could require new maps to be drawn, said Kathay Feng, the redistricting and representation director at Common Cause.

New York Times: Why New York Again Trails Almost All States in Counting Votes

โ€œNew York voters should understand that we will not know the results of many close races until some weeks later,โ€ said Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, a government watchdog group. โ€And that is not the death of democracy, but a sign of life.โ€

New York Times: Trump Campaign Suggests Omarosa Manigault Newman Pay for $1 Million in Ad Spending

Having her pay for an ad campaign โ€œin my opinion would be an illegally large in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign,โ€ said Paul S. Ryan, the vice president for policy and litigation at the good-government group Common Cause.

Even if she were just to appear in an ad, without funding it, there would be a value to Ms. Manigault Newmanโ€™s time that would almost certainly exceed the $2,800 federal contribution limit, Mr. Ryan said.

New York Times: A New Clash Over Mail Voting: The Cost of the Postage

โ€œStates are already strapped for cash,โ€ Sylvia Albert, director of voting and elections at Common Cause, said Tuesday. โ€œAt a time when the Congress has not appropriated sufficient funds to help election officials run these elections this November, itโ€™s ridiculous to contemplate adding more to their budgets.โ€

ABC News: Why President Trump keeps talking about a New York Democratic primary

"New York did not have any infrastructure or an expanded absentee program. So the Board of Elections had to completely revise the entire way in which they were approaching absentee ballots in six weeks," Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, a nonpartisan good government organization, told ABC News.

ABC News: New York, Kentucky among 6 states bracing for voting on Tuesday

"So the most important thing for the public to know the process here in New York is going to be lengthy. The deadline for the boards to receive absentee ballots is June the 30th, that's a week after the primary. So, they're not going to be opening and starting to count absentee ballots until July 2 at the earliest," said Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York.

"Two weeks includes the July 4 weekend," she said. "So there's a very real possibility that we may not have truly reliable results, until after the...

PennLive/The Patriot News: An Election Day like never before: Mail-in balloting, new voting machines, multi-day counts for Pa.’s primary

โ€œWe know that there are going to be issues on June 2nd,โ€ said Suzanne Almeida, interim executive director of Common Cause PA, citing instances in which county offices have sent out duplicate mail-in ballots, or even the wrong political partyโ€™s primary ballot; the massive consolidation of polling places in places like Philadelphia; and the use of new machines in many places.

โ€œThe way that weโ€™re looking at this is really that we we will have a lot of clarity after June 2nd about what needs to be fixed for November,"...

Santa Fe New Mexican: Report: Oil and gas interests spent $11.5M in New Mexico politics in recent years

โ€œThe recent oil boom in New Mexico has unleashed more than an ocean of oil and gas money: It has unleashed a gusher of campaign contributions, a flurry of lobbyists offering expensive dinners and a mammoth public relations offensive financed by one of the largest and most powerful professional associations in the state,โ€ Common Cause Executive Director Heather Ferguson said in a statement Tuesday.

ABC News: New York presidential primary postponed amid record numbers of coronavirus cases

Common Cause New York, a voting rights group, had called on Gov. Cuomo and state officials to consolidate the primary, contending that officials have made it clear that they wonโ€™t have the bandwidth to conduct an entirely absentee election by late April.

โ€œWe don't have the infrastructure in place to do it quite frankly, so that's anything from having enough paper to print all the ballots, to making sure that we have prepaid postage, to make sure folks can return their ballot. It's a lot of smaller logistical decisions and...

New York Daily News (Op-Ed): After Citizens United, an awakening

In the past decade, Citizens United has come to symbolize not just the deluge of money in our elections, but also votersโ€™ frustration at not being heard by their elected officials. Polling shows thatย only 17% of usย believe our political parties and politicians โ€œcare about people like me.โ€ The rest of us are feeling disenfranchised.ย Only 20% of us are โ€œsatisfiedโ€ with our nationโ€™s campaign finance laws; the rest of us want change.New Yorkers are leading the way to a post-Citizens United future. For decades, weโ€™ve supported...



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