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TIME: Have A Problem With Your Mail-In Ballot? Advocates Are Pushing States to Let You Correct It

โ€œJust as we are making changes to our election lawsโ€ฆ to account for COVID, we also need to account for first-time voters or people using this avenue for the first time,โ€ argues Sylvia Albert, the director of voting and elections at the advocacy organization Common Cause.

The White House Has Not Corrected the Helsinki Transcript

The Atlantic noted it immediately, the rest of the media world is catching up after Rachel Maddow raised concerns last night that one week later the White House has not corrected the official transcript of the Putin-Trump news conference in Helsinki to include Jeff Mason's full question.

Email and Internet Voting: The Overlooked Threat to Election Security

Federal government, military and private sector studies have examined the feasibility of internet-based voting and have concluded it is not secure and should not be used in U.S. government elections.

Our Impact

Common Cause has been fighting for and winning key democracy reforms since our founding in 1970.

We’ve worked to protect voters, limit Big Money’s influence on our elections, improve transparency in government, stop partisan and racial gerrymandering, and more.

Tell Congress: REJECT Trump and Johnsonโ€™s dirty tricks

Congress must REJECT Donald Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson’s lies about noncitizen voting. These xenophobic scare tactics hurt all of us and make it harder for all eligible voters to cast a ballot.

Our leaders should instead pass pro-voter reforms like the Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to encourage voters and increase participation in our elections.

Common Cause

Sign the Petition: We need fair, independent redistricting

Our elections should represent the will of the people, not partisan interests. We need to reform the rules to END gerrymandering โ€“ so that our government is truly of, by, and for the people.

Project 2025 Aims to Strip Away Our Freedom to Vote

Project 2025 could drastically alter the state of elections, voting rights, and democracy in America.

Tell DOJ: Investigate AI-generated vote suppression in New Hampshire

Something alarming happened in New Hampshire recently โ€“ and we need your help to nip this dangerous new anti-voter tactic in the bud.

Voters across New Hampshire reported calls from a โ€œdeepfakeโ€ AIโ€“generated voice that sounded just like President Biden urging them not to vote in the stateโ€™s primary election.

States Newsroom/Wisconsin Examiner: GOP-led states plan new voter data systems to replace one they rejected. Good luck with that.

โ€œWe would have no problem with the state setting up something that followed federal law and somehow getting a bunch of other states to go along with it,โ€ said Julia Vaughn, the executive director of Common Cause Indiana, which brought the lawsuit against the state. โ€œBut good luck doing that with one individual state with no real expertise in this, and no reputation as some entity that other states should trust their voter registration lists with.โ€

Tell Congress: End Shameful Felony Disenfranchisement

Every American citizen deserves to be heard in our democracy. But right now, Jim Crow-era felony disenfranchisement laws deny this fundamental right to over 4.6 million Americans.

Congress must take action to fix this by passing the Inclusive Democracy Act, which would guarantee voting rights to ALL American citizens.



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