2354 results

Common Cause New York Comments on Redistricting Report

Following the release of a report on redistricting by supporters of Issue 1, Common Cause New York commented on the problems with a proposal that would enshrine in the New York State Constitution a redistricting commission that is largely controlled by the legislature.

HuffPost: How A Diss During A Hearing Led To A Breakthrough Bipartisan Ethics Bill

Aaron Scherb, senior director of legislative affairs at Common Cause, said elements of the bill resembled elements of other bills Common Cause has supported, such as theย For the People Act, a sweeping ethics package that Democrats pushed through the House in 2021. (Rather than merely demand disclosure, that bill would require presidents to divest from assets that present conflicts of interest.)

โ€œThese are not pulled out of a hat,โ€ Scherb said. โ€œSo I think this language, at first glance, seems to be a step in the right...

Write Your Representative: Pass The Youth Voting Rights Act!

Voting is a fundamental right in any democracy. Itโ€™s time to secure that right for all Americans by passing the Youth Voting Rights Act. This landmark bill would: Expand voter registration on campus Let young people in every state pre-register to vote before turning 18. Require colleges & universities to have on-campus polling places. Block state laws meant to suppress the youth vote. Invest in young peopleโ€™s participation in our democracy. Young voters deserve more...

Election Protection Project in Indiana

Every federal election year Common Cause Indiana recruits, trains, and deploys volunteers to help voters at risk of being disenfranchised.

Tuning In & Turning Out

Millennials are active but not voting; what's stopping them and how can they make their voices count?

Common Cause Urges Passage of Youth Voting Rights Act

On the anniversary of the ratification of the 26th Amendment, Common Cause reaffirms its commitment to further protecting and expanding youth access to the ballot, urging Congress to pass the Youth Voting Rights Act of 2023.

Modernizing Voter Registration

Registering to vote is the first step in making our voices heard in our democracy. Common Cause is advocating for modernization of the registration process nationwide so that more eligible voters can get on the rolls.


Flawed from the Start

The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity

The Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA)

We must restore the protections of the Voting Rights Act and eliminate barriers to the ballot box.



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