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San Jose Mercury News (Op-Ed): California redistricting should serve as national model

In 2008, I led efforts to fundamentally change Californiaโ€™s redistricting process.
With an unusual coalition of left, right and center allies, we created the nationโ€™s first independent citizens redistricting commission. The power to draw voting maps was taken from politicians and given to people like you and me.
Today our redistricting process is independent and community-led with the goal of keeping communities together in the new maps. No longer behind closed doors, drawing voting lines is conducted openly and transparently.

News & Observer: Bob Phillips, Tar Heel of the Year finalist, is a voice for open elections and reform

โ€œBob Phillips is whatโ€™s good about politics,โ€ Dennis Wicker told The News & Observer in an interview. Wicker, a Democrat, served as lieutenant governor from 1993 to 2000 and considered Phillips a trusted advisor, then and now.
โ€œHe understands public service starts with fair elections and open elections,โ€ Wicker said. โ€œHeโ€™s a true believer that great public service is born from a strong and fair democracy.โ€

NBC News: Pro-Impeachment Rallies Draw Thousands on Eve of Historic House Vote

Boston's rally was bipartisan, with not only Democrats invited to speak but also former Massachusetts Republican Gov. William Weld, who is challenging Trump for the GOP presidential nomination, said Pam Wilmot, the executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts, one of the organizers.
"We want to demonstrate that people care about this, that the rule of law is important and that our country will not stand for a fake trial and just sweeping this under the rug," Wilmot said. "This is a serious matter. It should not be about...

News & Observer: Rural NC is shrinking. It will affect political redistricting after the 2020 election

The political maps of the past decade have favored rural voters, said Common Cause North Carolina Executive Director Bob Phillips. Rural voters tend to support Republicans, and the maps were drawn to cement Republicansโ€™ power. Plus, he said, many of North Carolinaโ€™s most powerful lawmakers are from rural areas themselves.
Phillips, who is an advocate for redistricting reform, said he is still trying to convince Republican leaders like them to pass reforms in the next few months, before the 2020 elections. In part, he said, he...

NBC News (VIDEO): How will redistricting impact the 2020 election?

Two more House Republicans have announced their retirement, adding to over a dozen House Republicans that will not be seeking re-election in 2020. Suzanne Almeida from the Common Cause Redistricting Counsel explains what role redistricting may have played in their decision.

New York Times: He Invited Donald Trump Jr. to Campus. Now Heโ€™s Facing Impeachment.

Beth Rotman, the director of money in politics and ethics for the good-government group Common Cause, said the payment appeared to cross the line, and warranted a thorough investigation.
โ€œWeโ€™re talking about significant dollars, and public dollars, for a representative of a national political campaign to talk to adults on campus,โ€ Ms. Rotman said, adding that she was glad young people were paying as close attention to their local representatives as federal watchdogs are for the president.

BuzzFeed News (Op-Ed): America Does Voting The Wrong Way. Here’s How To Fix It.

Why is this better? Consider how a presidential primary works in the current system. Weโ€™re constantly gaming out our vote, trying to figure out who can win a general election, or whoโ€™s got the best shot in Iowa, as opposed to voting for whom we want because we like what they stand for. How many more times do we have to read thinkpieces about whether a woman or a person of color is electable? With ranked-choice voting, you can vote with your heart and your head โ€” without worrying about sabotaging either.

New York Times: Election Day 2019: Voting Today in Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi

Erroneous voting instructions and other disinformation began popping up on a handful of Twitter accounts on Monday, including one post encouraging Kentucky supporters of Mr. Bevin to vote on Wednesday. That and other posts were removed and some accounts were closed after being reported, according to David Vance, a spokesman for Common Cause, a member of the Election Protection alliance. None appeared to have spread widely.

New York Times: โ€˜The State Kind of Dumped This On Us:โ€™ Early Voting Stirs Anxiety in N.Y.

Technological advances aside, early voter turnout will depend on whether people know that the option now exists in New York. Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, which has been leading efforts to raise awareness, said that educating a public long accustomed to โ€œ16 hours, on the first Tuesday in Novemberโ€ had been a challenge.
โ€œSome people are very aware of it,โ€ she said. For others, Ms. Lerner added, โ€œthis is absolutely news to them.โ€

Boston Globe: For census, R.I. is hardest state to count in New England

John M. Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, emphasized that, โ€œThe Constitution is crystal clear that the census is to count every resident of the United States, regardless of their citizenship status. Any attempt to discourage participation by non-citizens is an affront to that constitutional purpose.โ€ โ€œFor Rhode Islanders, millions of dollars of federal money and political representation for their communities hang in the balance,โ€ Marion said. โ€œIt is imperative we make sure every Rhode Islander participates in...



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