2355 results

PC Magazine/FOX News: FCC to cities, states: Knock it off with 5G fees, delays

"The FCC's actions also hurt state and local government abilities to negotiate any public interest obligations like buildout requirements or anti-redlining provisions," Michael Copps, a former Democratic FCC commissioner and Common Cause special adviser, said in a statement. "This gives wireless companies even more of an ability to only deploy 5G to the richest parts of a city, leaving low-income areas unserved." The order, Copps argues, is just "a corporate welfare plan that only widens the digital divide."

Spectrum News (VIDEO): GOP forges ahead with hearing amid Kavanaugh sexual assault allegations

โ€œGiven how quickly Senator Collins and Senator Murkowski called on then-Senator Franken to resign after the story came out about his sexual harassment, sexual assault, I think theyโ€™ll be under that much more scrutiny,โ€ said Aaron Scherb with Common Cause.

โ€œThere are so many unanswered questions about Professor Ford and this sexual abuse from several decades ago. We believe that needs to come out,โ€ Scherb said.

USA Today Op-Ed: The New York Times op-ed writer wants us to put our trust in a ‘shadow presidency’

We call on the anonymous author and allies within the administration to stand up for our Constitution and step outside government, make a case to the American people โ€” whom you work for โ€” and let the people decide how best to put a check on this administration and demand action from Congress. Congress must do its constitutional duty to investigate the serious allegations made by anonymous by holding public hearings immediately.

Los Angeles Times: Trump waives millions in claims against Stormy Daniels in new fallout from illegal payoff

โ€œAll the information, as itโ€™s trickled out, has only further confirmed our suspicion that the Trump Organization violated campaign finance laws, and maybe other laws too,โ€ said Paul S. Ryan, vice president of policy and litigation at Common Cause.

Newsweek: Donald Trump is leading ‘Campaign of Smear and Intimidation’ Against Bruce Ohr’s Wife Nellie, Democrat Says

โ€œI don't recall ever seeing a president going so vociferously after the spouses of civil servants,โ€ said Stephen Spaulding, with the non-partisan good government organization Common Cause. โ€œOn the Hill, disclosure rules might apply to an immediate family member. Nothing we have seen in the past is comparable to what we are seeing with Trump and especially out of the White House. And these are absolutely smear tactics. You see a pattern of behavior where he is absolutely willing to go after spouses of people.โ€

New York Times: Cohen Implicates President Trump. What Do Prosecutors Do Now?

โ€œWeโ€™re talking potential years of jail time if heโ€™s not the sitting president but was instead a civilian candidate,โ€ said Paul S. Ryan, the vice president of policy and litigation at Common Cause, which filed campaign finance complaints based on the payments made to the women connected to Mr. Trump.

TIME: The New Cohen Recording Doesn’t Alone Incriminate President Trump, Experts Say

โ€œI just think it again affirms what we filed in our complaint; that it sounds like Donald Trump knew about the hush money payment to McDougal before the election,โ€ said Common Cause Chief of Strategy and External Affairs Stephen Spaulding.ย โ€œI just think this is more of another log on the fire that these are campaign finance violations and that the thread continues to unravel.โ€

Detroit News: U.S. House hopeful Tlaib pays self salary from campaign funds

"Without allowing candidates to pay themselves, the only people who could afford to run for public office would be independently wealthy individuals who can afford to take a year off from making a living in order to run," Paul S. Ryan,ย vice president for policy and litigation at the watchdog group Common Cause said.ย 

New York Times: After Ethics Warning, M.T.A. Chairman Gets O.K. for Outside Jobs in an Email

Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, said the ethics commission had ceded its authority to Mr. Lhota in the email. She called on the transportation authority to hire an independent auditor to investigate Mr. Lhotaโ€™s web of conflicts.

โ€œThe situation has evolved so that Joe Lhota himself decides if Joe Lhota has a conflict of interest,โ€ Ms. Lerner said.

USA Today: Supreme Court defers new case from North Carolina challenging partisan election maps

โ€œIf this case is not the limit, then there may be no limit,โ€ said Ben Thorpe, one of the lawyers representing Common Cause.



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