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Democracy Counts Newsletter, June 2019

Democracy Counts Newsletter – May 2019

Newsmax: Conservative Columnist Evolves on Public Financing

It took 40 years, but conservative columnist Paul DeLespinasse of Corvallis, Oregon, evolves on public financing and Common Cause. Democracy Wire welcomes the author to the right side of history and adds our thanks to Newsmax where this piece was first published.

Democracy Counts Newsletter, April 2019

Yes, it's April Fools, but the Census is far from an April fools joke.

News Blues

I have a bad case of news blues. Journalism is fast becoming a vast wasteland, recalling the great Newt Minowโ€™s insightful characterization of television in the early Sixties. Newsrooms across the land are hollowed out, or in many cases shuttered.

Democracy Counts Newsletter, January 2019

“Fake” News Isn’t Only Issue Facing Media and Our Democracy

So-called "fake" news isn't the only issue people should be concerned about with respect to the media. Even real news has an "infotainment" quality that lends itself to a herd mentality and the corporate mergers that consolidate decision-making in distant corporate HQ that care more about profit and dividends than covering city hall or the school board.

Democracy Counts Newsletter, September 2018

Democracy Counts is a monthly publication to update advocates, media, and interested persons on the latest census news, provide resources for advocates, and connect the census to issues you care about.

Uncommon Reads: New Yorker “Donald Trump has been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy”

The first in a series of "Uncommon Reads" from Common Cause staff. These must reads are selected by the staff member indicated in the by-line. The writing excerpted is that of the author of the article being recommended.

Democracy Counts Newsletter, July 2018

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Democracy Counts, a monthly publication to update advocates, media, and interested persons on the latest census news, provide resources for advocates, and connect the census to issues you care about.



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