
Tell Congress: No guns at the polls

Every voter must be able to cast a ballot without fear or intimidation. Guns do NOT belong at polling places.


It’s time to ban guns from every polling place in America.

The voting booth should be a sanctuary of democracy. But in years past we’ve seen reports of people openly carrying weapons as voters go to the polls – intimidating everyday Americans who are just doing their civic duty.

That’s why Common Cause is taking bold action to protect voters. Just this year, we helped pass laws restricting guns at polls in New Mexico and Massachusetts – and with your action, we can bring this solution to every state in the nation.

Our democracy works best when every voter feels safe and empowered. Voting is meant to be an act of hope—NOT fear—and with your help, we can make that a reality nationwide.

If you agree, add your name to our petition today telling Congress to make every polling place a gun-free zone.

Tell Congress: No guns at the polls

Target: U.S. Congress

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