
الصحافة المميزة
واشنطن تحصل على أعلى الدرجات في تقرير تقييم الديمقراطية لعام 2024 من منظمة "القضية المشتركة" 

بيان صحفي

واشنطن تحصل على أعلى الدرجات في تقرير تقييم الديمقراطية لعام 2024 من منظمة "القضية المشتركة" 

واشنطن ــ أصدرت منظمة "السبب المشترك"، وهي منظمة مراقبة غير حزبية، "بطاقة أداء الديمقراطية لعام 2024"، والتي تسجل دعم كل عضو في الكونجرس لحقوق التصويت، وأخلاقيات المحكمة العليا، وغيرها من الإصلاحات.  

جهات الاتصال الإعلامية

ديفيد فانس

استراتيجي الاعلام الوطني

كاتي سكالي

مدير الاتصالات

أريانا مارموليجو

استراتيجي الاتصالات الإقليمية (الغرب)

جينيفر جارسيا

استراتيجي الاتصالات الإقليمية (الجنوب)

كيني كولستون

استراتيجي الاتصالات الإقليمية (الغرب الأوسط)

إن شبكة خبراء الإصلاح الديمقراطي على المستوى الوطني والإقليمي في منظمة Common Cause هي من المعلقين الدائمين على وسائل الإعلام. وللتحدث مع أحد خبرائنا، يرجى التواصل مع أي عضو من أعضاء فريق الصحافة المذكور أعلاه.


4028 نتائج


إعادة تعيين المرشحات



4028 نتائج


إعادة تعيين المرشحات

Public News Service: Amid multiple lawsuits, Texas’ redistricting gets D- from elections watchdog

مقطع اخباري

Public News Service: Amid multiple lawsuits, Texas’ redistricting gets D- from elections watchdog

Dan Vicuna, director of redistricting and representation with Common Cause, said the solution to extreme gerrymandering is establishment of a nonpartisan system or commission with broad representation to draw up districts - which only exists in a handful of states.

"The public understands that whether you're kept in one district with a community that shares concerns of all sorts can really make the difference between having a champion in the halls of power - or not having a champion," he explained.

Ohio Capital Journal: Does Sec. of State LaRose have no Senate campaign HQ, or is it where he’s moving his state office?

مقطع اخباري

Ohio Capital Journal: Does Sec. of State LaRose have no Senate campaign HQ, or is it where he’s moving his state office?

“You need space,” said Catherine Turcer, executive director of the watchdog group Common Cause Ohio. “You need space to organize simple things like yard signs. A robust campaign actually needs at least one office — often more than one — if you’re going to be successful. Think about the number of media markets you have in Ohio. The secretary of state is running for the U.S. Senate.”

“If in fact this has been planned for nearly five years, we should have been in the know for a really long time,” Turcer said.

حثت لجنة الانتخابات الفيدرالية على تعديل اللائحة للتعامل مع محتوى الذكاء الاصطناعي الكاذب

بيان صحفي

حثت لجنة الانتخابات الفيدرالية على تعديل اللائحة للتعامل مع محتوى الذكاء الاصطناعي الكاذب

اليوم، قدمت منظمة Common Cause ومؤتمر القيادة للحقوق المدنية وحقوق الإنسان تعليقات إلى لجنة الانتخابات الفيدرالية (FEC) لدعم الالتماس الذي قدمته منظمة Public Citizen لتعديل لوائحها بشأن "التحريف الاحتيالي" لتشمل "محتوى كاذبًا متعمدًا تم إنشاؤه بواسطة الذكاء الاصطناعي في إعلانات الحملة أو غيرها من الاتصالات".

VoteBeat/AZ Mirror: Three seconds to spot fraud? Testing Arizona’s ballot signature checking process.

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VoteBeat/AZ Mirror: Three seconds to spot fraud? Testing Arizona’s ballot signature checking process.

The potential change in process to come from this lawsuit worries Jenny Guzman, the program director for Common Cause Arizona, which advocates for voter rights. The organization isn’t sure signature verification is the best way to verify a ballot, but wants to make sure that officials have a large database to work from if this is the method they are using, she told me. Officials should also be attempting to contact voters whose signature is being questioned, Guzman said, which happens in Arizona under state law but doesn’t happen in every...

The Daily Beast: This Top GOP Recruit Has a Swampy Connection to a Trumpy Rep

مقطع اخباري

The Daily Beast: This Top GOP Recruit Has a Swampy Connection to a Trumpy Rep

Stephen Spaulding, vice president of policy at the good government group Common Cause, told The Daily Beast that the Sheehy-Zinke relationship—consisting of major campaign contributions, federal contracts, and favorable legislation—was the exact kind of “pungent mix” that gives voters the impression that elected officials put corporate money over the public interest.

Americans, Spaulding said, are “rightly turned off” by such relationships.

“It’s what gives rise to corruption and the appearance of...

AmericaOne Radio The Ron Show: Redistricting Report Cards & Athens’ DA Dilemma

مقطع اخباري

AmericaOne Radio The Ron Show: Redistricting Report Cards & Athens’ DA Dilemma

Dan Vicuna with Common Cause joined me today to dive into the ⁠C.H.A.R.G.E. batch of report cards for each state's redistricting efforts⁠, and - surprise - ⁠Georgia got a D⁠. IN fact, 18 of the 20 failing states are GOP-controlled.

The Oregonian/Oregon Capital Chronicle: Oregon’s failure to get tribal input earns it poor grade for redistricting in national report

مقطع اخباري

The Oregonian/Oregon Capital Chronicle: Oregon’s failure to get tribal input earns it poor grade for redistricting in national report

“For too long public dialogue about redistricting has focused almost exclusively on the partisan horse race,” said Dan Vicuña, national redistricting director for Common Cause, one of the organizations in the coalition. “It’s undeniable that manipulation of voting districts for political advantage is a direct threat to the health of our democracy. However, that threat doesn’t derive from which party is up or down at a given moment. It derives from the slicing and dicing of communities into districts in ways that make it impossible...

Charlotte Observer: Not just about money: New laws in state budget give more power to the General Assembly

مقطع اخباري

Charlotte Observer: Not just about money: New laws in state budget give more power to the General Assembly

Ann Webb, the policy director of government watchdog group Common Cause North Carolina, said “an agency that is designed to protect the interests of the public spending, state funds should be operated in such a way that it reflects the public interest in its structure — not simply the interest of a couple of very powerful individuals.”

“Democracy requires transparency,” Webb said.

Webb, with Common Cause, said it’s “really important to look at the holistic picture. All the ways that the legislature...

Santa Fe New Mexican: New Mexico’s redistricting effort receives high grade

مقطع اخباري

Santa Fe New Mexican: New Mexico’s redistricting effort receives high grade

The coalition hub, which included the national Common Cause and the National Congress of American Indians, talked to over 2,000 people involved in the redistricting process in all 50 states.

Dan Vicuña, director of redistricting and representation for Common Cause, a voting-rights nonprofit headquartered in Washington, D.C., said in an interview those compiling the report put less focus on partisan conflicts and court cases and more on “whether public input was implemented in the maps.”

He said while the...

The Plain Dealer/Cleveland.com: Ohio’s redistricting process gets an ‘F’ from national group

مقطع اخباري

The Plain Dealer/Cleveland.com: Ohio’s redistricting process gets an ‘F’ from national group

“This redistricting cycle in Ohio provided a textbook example of the lengths elected officials will go to prioritize partisanship over fair representation for the public,” the report by Common Cause stated, adding that Republican lawmakers and redistricting commission members showed a “complete disregard... for the rule of law in Ohio.”

Omaha World-Herald: Nebraska rated a C+ for redistricting process by national group

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Omaha World-Herald: Nebraska rated a C+ for redistricting process by national group

Gavin Geis, director of Common Cause Nebraska, said a C+ is a fair grade for Nebraska. He said he believes Nebraska’s maps ended up pretty good, yet the redistricting process had issues with public access, transparency and politicization.

Besides three public hearings across the state on the proposed maps, Geis said, it was difficult to get committee members to engage with public input. He said lawmakers largely ignored suggested maps proposed by community organizations.

“Citizens’ work on this is why we had...

تقرير جديد شمل 50 ولاية يكشف عن إخفاقات فادحة في عملية إعادة تقسيم الدوائر الانتخابية

بيان صحفي

تقرير جديد شمل 50 ولاية يكشف عن إخفاقات فادحة في عملية إعادة تقسيم الدوائر الانتخابية

نشر تحالف من المنظمات الوطنية التي تدافع عن ديمقراطية أقوى تقريرًا اليوم يقيم جهود إعادة تقسيم الدوائر الانتخابية في جميع الولايات الخمسين، ومنح ولايتين فقط درجة "أ" بينما حصلت 20 ولاية على درجة "د" أو "ف" لفشلها في الشفافية، وفرص المساهمة العامة، والحيادية، وتمكين مجتمعات الملونين. 



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