بيان صحفي

ALEC Caves to Pressure, Shuts Key Task Force

Common Cause Calls Elimination of Task Force “important victory”

Amid intense public scrutiny and the departure of at least 10 major corporate members, the American Legislative Exchange Council this morning announced the closing of a task force that helped create some of ALEC’s most damaging legislation, including bills to restrict voting, “Stand Your Ground” gun laws, and anti-immigrant measures.

“The American public has wised up to ALEC’s misguided and secretive attempts to co-opt state legislators for corporate profit,” said Common Cause President Bob Edgar. “In folding its Public Safety and Elections Task Force, ALEC is abandoning under pressure the most controversial part of its agenda; that’s an important victory for the American public.”

Many Americans have learned about ALEC in recent weeks through news stories detailing its role in the proliferation of “Stand Your Ground” laws similar to the Florida statute at issue in the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

But bad laws the shuttered ALEC task force advanced remain on the books across the country, and ALEC continues to support legislation that weakens clean air and clean water regulations, undermines public schools and infringes on the bargaining rights or workers.

Last week 10 companies, including Coca Cola, McDonalds, Wendy’s, Mars, and Kraft Foods, severed ties with ALEC under increased media and public scrutiny.