بيان صحفي

ترامب يجب أن يوقع على تعهد أخلاقي ووثائق انتقالية

لم يوقع الرئيس المنتخب دونالد ترامب حتى الآن على الوثائق القانونية ــ بما في ذلك التعهد الأخلاقي ــ اللازمة لبدء انتقال السلطة رسميا في إدارته. وعادة ما يقدم المرشحون هذه الوثائق قبل وقت طويل من الانتخابات. ونتيجة لهذا التأخير، لا تستطيع الحكومة توفير التصاريح الأمنية والإحاطات والموارد لفريق ترامب القادم قبل أن يقسم اليمين الدستورية في العشرين من يناير/كانون الثاني.

جهة الاتصال الإعلامية

ديفيد فانس

استراتيجي الاعلام الوطني

President-elect Donald Trump still has not signed legal documents – including an ethics pledge – needed to formally begin his administration’s transition of power. Candidates usually file these documents well in advance of the election. As a result of this delay, the government cannot provide security clearances, briefings and resources to Trump’s incoming team before he is sworn into office on January 20th.

بيان رئيسة مجلس الإدارة والرئيسة التنفيذية لمؤسسة القضية المشتركة فيرجينيا كاسي سولومون

President-elect Trump should immediately sign all documents required to ensure a smooth transition of power. It is recklessly irresponsible of Trump to delay signing the required transition documents – including an ethics pledge – in order to formally begin the process of assuming power. The presidency of the United States carries immense responsibilities and powers. By withholding his signature, Trump is denying his transition team security clearances and critical briefings, leaving them potentially unprepared to meet the risks and responsibilities they will inherit. He has held this office before and knows better since he signed these documents in his first administration. What he is doing is a grave disservice to the American people.

Reports say that Trump is not signing the documents because the required ethics pledge includes a commitment to avoid conflicts of interest serving as president. If true, this resistance to commit to ethical conduct while serving as president is a red flag pointing to nothing so much as greed and corruption and an intention to enrich himself and/or his family through the extensive powers of his office.

Americans expect and deserve a president who prioritizes the nation’s well-being over personal gain. They will not tolerate a president who abuses the powers of his office to line his own pockets. President-elect Trump must sign the ethics pledge immediately to reassure the American people that he will act in their interest – and only their interest – while serving as President of the United States.