بيان صحفي
ترامب حاول إجبار وزارة العدل على دعم أكاذيبه لإلغاء انتخابات 2020
القضايا ذات الصلة
كان دونالد ترامب يعلم أنه خسر انتخابات 2020، لكنه لم يكن يريد مغادرة البيت الأبيض والاعتراف بخسارته علنًا، لذا كذب. لقد كذب وحاول مرارًا وتكرارًا إجبار وزارة العدل الأمريكية على دعم تلك الأكاذيب و"ترك الباقي له". لقد طلب من كبار المسؤولين في وزارة العدل الذين اختارهم بنفسه المشاركة في مؤامرة إجرامية دبرها ترامب وأتباعه، والتي كانت في جوهرها بمثابة انقلاب للاستيلاء على السلطة بشكل غير قانوني وقلب إرادة وتصويت الشعب الأمريكي.
First Attorney General William Barr refused – and Barr of course is the man who sat on and mischaracterized the Mueller Report to protect then-President Trump. Barr’s replacement and other senior DOJ leaders appointed by Trump also refused to violate their oaths of office and the United States Constitution by aiding and abetting Trump’s plot. When those senior DOJ officials refused to lie about the election, then-President Trump threatened to name as Acting Attorney General an unqualified environmental lawyer – Jeffrey Clark – willing to follow his orders to lie about the election and participate in his criminal conspiracy.
Testimony today revealed that only threat of mass resignation by senior DOJ officials, if Clark was named Acting A.G., prevented the former President from appointing the unqualified lawyer to the post.
We also learned today that earlier this week federal investigators staged a pre-dawn raid to search the home of Jeffrey Clark as part of their investigation into coordinated efforts by the Trump White House to overturn the 2020 election.
Today, reports were also verified that a number of Republican members of Congress sought preemptive pardons from the Trump before he left office – to shield them from potential prosecution for their roles in attempting to subvert the election.
The American people deserve the truth about the January 6ذ insurrection. The Select Committee is providing that truth. The American people also deserve justice for that terrible day in our nation’s history – a day when democracy almost fell to an attempted coup. We trust that justice is coming. And ultimately, we need laws in place to guard against this from ever happening again, including provisions from the Protecting Our Democracy Act (which already passed the House) that would insulate the Justice Department from political interference and provide oversight to detect it.