2424 results

New Poll: Massachusetts voters oppose Super PACs, support donor disclosure

New York Legislature backs National Popular Vote

What are newspapers saying about election modernization? Pass bill now!

Sinking to new lows in the House

Will The New FCC Chair Fight For Reform?

The President nominated Tom Wheeler to replace Julius Genachowski as the next FCC Chair yesterday.

New Evidence Exposes GOP Census Rigging

The Daily Beast: This Mysterious New GOP Dark Money Group Raises All Kinds of Red Flags

“501(c)(4s) are social welfare organizations that increasingly have been misused to spend money for political purposes,” Aaron Scherb, director of legislative affairs at Common Cause, told The Daily Beast. “Under the IRS tax code, they don't have to disclose their donors. And so that's why they've become a popular vehicle for people who are trying to use dark money to influence political outcomes.”

Watchdog groups have argued for years that the decision of three Republican commissioners to deadlock votes on enforcement...

NBC News: Wisconsin Republicans change their tune on ballot drop boxes ahead of state Supreme Court ruling

The legal seesaw over the broader issue reveals that both parties understand what’s at stake, said Jay Heck, the executive director of Common Cause Wisconsin, the state’s branch of the national nonpartisan government watchdog group.

“It could make a difference around the margins,” said Heck, whose group filed an amicus brief in support of overturning the 2022 ruling. “But, you know, the small margins are important in Wisconsin.”

ProPublica: Georgia Promised to Fix How Voter Challenges Are Handled. A New Law Could Make the Problem Worse.

“My worry is” that the bill “will cause a higher success rate for the challenges,” said Anne Gray Herring, a policy analyst for nonprofit watchdog group Common Cause Georgia.

Source New Mexico: The blind spot in the state’s most expensive election so far this year

Dede Feldman, a former state lawmaker and spokesperson for Common Cause New Mexico, said voters deserve to know who signs candidates’ paychecks and where potential conflicts of interest lie. That’s also true for district attorney candidates, she said.

“It's not a good look when candidates do not disclose their finances,” she said.

Feldman said more candidates need to file disclosures, but that won’t go nearly far enough. They also need to take them more seriously.

“The chief duty of...



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