2423 results

Why are cable television prices so high? Report shows $100 million spent by cable giants may be part of answer

Reuters: Trump fundraising slows but still yields over $100 million in cash

"Trump very well may find a way to spend the money he raised in 2021 in support of a 2024 campaign and get away with it," said Paul Ryan, a campaign finance specialist at Common Cause, a nonpartisan group that advocates for government reform.

Washington Post: With 100k votes already mailed in, in-person voters cast ballots to fill Cummings’s seat

Joanne Antoine, executive director of Common Cause Maryland, said voting advocates aimed to avoid that very situation, but are hopeful there will be fewer problems with voters receiving their ballots in June.

The special election on Tuesday was arranged too quickly for the state to launch a widespread voter education campaign, she told reporters on a conference call Tuesday afternoon. She urged Hogan to ensure adequate funding for extensive communications ahead of the primary.

“I’m sure we would have seen more...

PolitiFact: Fact-checking ‘Succession’: What happens if a fire destroys 100,000 absentee ballots in Milwaukee?

A similar case would go through the court system in Wisconsin and eventually find its way to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, said Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause in Wisconsin. Republicans may also appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

"Unfortunately, I think politics would play a role in both state Supreme Court and in the U.S. Supreme Court," Heck said, "which is why this hypothetical scenario I hope never happens, because it would be awful."

Voice of America: Justice Department Investigating More Than 100 Cases of Threats Against Election Workers

The 1,000-plus harassing and hostile contacts made to election officials covered the period from June 2021 to June 2022. The trend continued in July, the task force told the election officials, according to Sylvia Albert, director of voting and elections for Common Cause, who attended the briefing. ...

In total, 89% of the contacts made to election officials were deemed protected speech and could not be investigated.

“A lot of the questions were aimed at ‘Wait. Really? You can only investigate 11% of...

يجب على السيناتور مينينديز الاستقالة لاستعادة ثقة الناخبين

Houston Chronicle: New Texas House committee debates gun-free zones, magazine sales

The bill received pushback from gun safety advocates like Katya Ehresman, the voting rights program manager at Common Cause Texas. She said the legislation would make some voters and poll workers feel unsafe.

“Texas has endured a period of increasing political violence and intimidation, especially against election workers,” Ehresman said. “HB 636 would create confusion amid existing state and federal laws and increase intimidation.”

إعادة تقسيم الموارد

من نيويورك إلى فلوريدا إلى أوهايو إلى كاليفورنيا، نجحت Common Cause في تحسين عملية إعادة تقسيم الدوائر الانتخابية وضمان سماع أصوات مجتمعاتنا في العديد من الولايات. سواء كنت تقوم بالتنظيم منذ سنوات أو كنت جديدًا على إعادة تقسيم الدوائر الانتخابية، فإن هذه الصفحة من الموارد مليئة بالأدوات لمساعدتك على طول الطريق! فيما يلي بعض مفاتيح النجاح عبر ولايات وحملات مختلفة.

تحث منظمة Common Cause على التصويت بـ "لا" على مشروع قانون مجلس النواب لتغيير قوانين الانتخابات في العاصمة واشنطن أثناء إجراء الانتخابات التمهيدية بالفعل

سياسة شفافية المانحين



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