2425 results

Common Cause Applauds Kasich’s Veto of “Poll Tax” Bill

Common Cause praises Ohio's governor for veto of bill that would have made it more difficult to extend polling hours

Common Cause Hails Appeals Court Decision on Open Internet

Statements by President Karen Hobert Flynn and Michael Copps, special advisor on media and democracy reform

Common Cause Names Karen Hobert Flynn President

Washington, DC --- Karen Hobert Flynn, a democracy reform activist and leader for more than three decades, including 25-plus years on staff and in state and national leadership positions with Common Cause, has been named the organization’s tenth president.

دائرة تشريعية واحدة فقط من كل عشر دوائر في ولاية ويسكونسن تتنافس على الانتخابات العامة لعام 2016

إن عدد الدوائر التشريعية في جمعية ولاية ويسكونسن ومجلس الشيوخ في عام 2016 التي يمكن اعتبارها تنافسية عن بعد في نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني هذا العام لا يتجاوز 10% من الإجمالي - وهو أحد أقل عدد من الدوائر التشريعية التنافسية في الولاية على الإطلاق - وفقًا لبيانات الانتخابات التي جمعتها منظمة Common Cause في ويسكونسن (CC/WI).

Common Cause Urges Presidential Candidates to Adopt Delegate Gift Ban

Letters call on candidates to pledge not to make gifts to convention delegates

Common Cause: Democracy Awakening Proves the People Will Prevail

Democracy Awakening, Democracy Spring

Gerrymandering Shields Legislators from Thinking about All Constituents or the Common Good

The North Carolina legislature last month held a one-day special session to pass House Bill 2, a controversial measure blocking the City of Charlotte's anti-discrimination ordinance that was designed to protect members of the LGBT community.

Common Cause Hails FCC Action Extending Lifeline Program to Broadband

With today’s vote modernizing the Lifeline program to cover wired or wireless broadband service, the FCC has helped clear a path to the digital age for millions of low-income Americans.

Common Cause Urges Governors, Mayors to Shut Down Political Non-profits

Mayor Bill de Blasio's Campaign for One New York was the target of complaints about possible campaign finance violations

Common Cause Urges FCC to Reject Charter – Time Warner Cable Deal

The proposed merger might be good for shareholders but would disserve the public interest.



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