2424 results

Yahoo! News/NorthJersey.com: Dark money disclosures in NJ elections are a ‘work in progress.’ Will they work?

It's unclear why these groups — the very ones that have come to dominate campaigns in recent years — were exempted from pre-Election Day disclosures. But to some campaign finance watchdogs, like Philip Hensley-Robin, a former analyst for the League of Women Voters of New Jersey, the loophole — when coupled with other key shortcomings of the bill — belied its much-ballyhooed “transparency” title.

“Overall, I think you could pick out, you know, a clause here or there that was good, but overall, it's a net negative...

The Plain Dealer/Cleveland.com: National Democrats ask Ohio Supreme Court to block new legislative redistricting maps

One group that has decided against litigation over this year’s redistricting process is Common Cause Ohio, a left-leaning good-government group. Catherine Turcer, Common Cause Ohio’s executive director, said last week that her organization was considering filing a lawsuit against the Ohio Redistricting Commission, primarily to assert that the closed-door negotiations held by commission members violated state open-meetings law.

But on Wednesday, Turcer said Common Cause Ohio decided that it would be better for them to spend...

Public News Service: Some Maryland Communities Lowering Voting Age to 16

Alyssa Canty, director of youth programs for Common Cause, said young people are often beginning to see the effects of civic policy.

"When they're 16- or 17-year-olds, they are starting their first part-time jobs," Canty pointed out. "So they now have income, so they're purchasing things, so they are paying sales tax, but they have no say in what happens to those tax dollars."

Canty sees late high school as a good time to engage young people.

"Usually around 16, 17 years old, that junior, senior...

Public News Service: Tech Companies Scale Back Efforts to Control Election Disinformation

Emma Steiner, information accountability project manager with the non-partisan group Common Cause, said disinformation can often be hard to spot.

"A lot of times people fall for disinformation," said Steiner, "because it seems to confirm something they already believe and that's where people get tripped up."

Steiner recommended that people always refer to official sources for voting information - including Secretary of States' offices or local election boards.

"Disinformation spreaders and...

KCRA-TV: Key committee set to vote on Gov. Newsom’s call for a constitutional convention

Critics note there are no guarantees that the convention would be limited to gun control if triggered. The nonpartisan democracy advocacy group Common Cause earlier this week blasted the push, noting a convention lacks legal guardrails and historical norms.

"By calling a constitutional convention, Governor Newsom would invite wealthy special interests to open the hood of the U.S. Constitution and tinker with our rights and liberties—without a single rule," the group said in a news release. "There are few risks to the freedoms...

Inside Sources/Tribune News Service (Op-Ed): Media Platforms Must Combat Election Disinformation, Starting Now

The 2020 election and its aftermath revealed the dangers posed to our democracy by disinformation. We saw how President Trump used social media platforms to assemble and incite the mob on the Ellipse on January 6th and then turn it loose on the Capitol where Congress was at work certifying the election victory of his opponent. The results were shocking, and they were tragic, and they could easily have been far worse. We must ensure they are not repeated in 2022, or 2024, or ever again.

Associated Press: GOP commission refuses to certify New Mexico primary vote

Mario Jimenez of the progressive watchdog group Common Cause New Mexico said the public can view testing of vote-tallying machines prior to elections in every county, and that certification notices are posted on every machine where voters can see them.

“They have no basis — other than ‘we just don’t trust the machine’ — for not certifying the election,” Jimenez said of the Otero County commissioners.

قضية مشتركة في أريزونا بشأن مشروع قانون الصورة الجديدة للتصويت

لا تزال المخاوف قائمة بشأن إعادة تقديم مشروع قانون تم رفضه سابقًا

بوليتيفاكت: مزاعم وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي مضللة بشأن تصويت الديمقراطيين على توزيع مقاعد الكونجرس

وقال دان فيكونيا، مدير تقسيم الدوائر الانتخابية والتمثيل في منظمة Common Cause، وهي منظمة حقوق التصويت، لموقع PolitiFact: "إن جعل سكان الولايات المتحدة غير مرئيين لأغراض توزيع المقاعد في الكونجرس سيكون انتهاكًا واضحًا للدستور الأمريكي".


تلتزم منظمة Common Cause بدعم القيم الأساسية للديمقراطية الأمريكية ونحن نهتم بما يقوله أعضاؤنا.



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