2423 results


تعرف على المزيد حول فرص التدريب الحالية لدينا وقم بدور فعال في عملنا لتعزيز الديمقراطية الأمريكية.

Trump’s CNN Freeze-Out Threatens Press Freedom

President Trump's attacks on reporters and media organizations endanger press freedom

حرية التصويت أو حرية التعطيل

استخدم الجمهوريون في مجلس الشيوخ ثغرة في قواعد مجلس الشيوخ - التعطيل - لمنع حتى عقد مناقشة حول قانون حرية التصويت. هذه هي المرة الثالثة التي يمنعون فيها زملائهم من مناقشة تشريعات حقوق التصويت هذا العام. يواجه أعضاء مجلس الشيوخ الآن خيارًا: حماية حرية التصويت وإيجاد طريقة لإرسال هذا القانون إلى مكتب الرئيس بايدن، أو تركه يموت بسبب عرقلة الجمهوريين وإساءة استخدام القواعد الداخلية لمجلس الشيوخ.

50 سنة أخرى

In 2020, Common Cause celebrated our 50th anniversary of working for the public interest and the democracy we deserve.

New Report Examines 2018 Pro-Democracy Ballot Initiatives & Continued Momentum of Citizen-Driven Reforms

Today, Common Cause released a new report on more than two dozen ballot initiatives and state constitutional amendments to strengthen, and in some cases undercut, democracy that will be decided by voters at the state and local level in November. “Democracy on the Ballot” traces the growing momentum behind citizen-driven pro-democracy reforms in recent years and examines initiatives and amendments on ballots in the 2018 general election from Florida to California and from North Dakota to New Mexico and urges support or opposition to each.

New Report Examines the Business of Mass Incarceration & the Damage it Does to Democracy

Today, Common Cause issued a new report examining how corrections industry influence, felony disenfranchisement and prison gerrymandering fuel mass incarceration and undermine democracy. Democracy Behind Bars looks at our broken criminal justice system and how it is manipulated for the benefit and profit of the prison industry. The report goes on to examine the work going on in the states to restore voting rights to citizens who have served their time and to curb mass criminalization and incarceration.

On Eve of the March for Our Lives a New Report Examines the NRA’s Huge Influence in Washington

New Millennial Voting Report Examines Opportunities & Obstacles for Generation that Now Outnumbers Baby Boomers

Today, Common Cause released a new report on youth voting trends, opportunities and obstacles faced by Millennials as they seek to make their voices heard in the 2016 election. Millennials have overtaken Baby Boomers to become the largest generation of living Americans but youth voter turnout lagged far behind their older counterparts in 2012 (38% to 63.4%).

New report examines game-changing election laws in key swing states

Press Advisory: New Report Examines Game-Changing Election Laws in Key Swing States



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