تدوينة المدونة

Resource Hub: Understanding The For the People Act

The For the People Act is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fundamentally shift power away from wealthy special interests and put it in the hands of everyday people. The bill, designated as H.R. 1 and S. 1 in Congress, is the boldest, most comprehensive democracy reform legislative package introduced in Congress in decades as it deals with ethics in government, money in politics, voting rights, election security, and gerrymandering. 

The For the People Act is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fundamentally shift power away from wealthy special interests and put it in the hands of everyday people. The bill, designated as H.R. 1 and S. 1 in Congress, is the boldest, most comprehensive democracy reform legislative package introduced in Congress in decades as it deals with ethics in government, money in politics, voting rights, election security, and gerrymandering. 

But I’m sure you have questions about the bill and what’s in it. Below you’ll find many resources from Common Cause and our coalition partners to help you better understand the For the People Act and how it will transform our democracy to be truly of, by, and for the people.


Resources on what is in the For the People Act:

Resources on how the For the People Act empowers everyday Americans:

Resources on how the For the People Act is based on local reforms with bipartisan support:

How you can take action to tell Congress to pass the For the People Act:

  • انقر هنا to share pro-For the People Act messages and graphics on social media
  • انقر هنا to email your member of Congress in support of the For the People Act
  • انقر هنا to call your member of Congress in support of the For the People Act
  • انقر هنا to write a letter to the editor in your local newspaper in support of For the People Act
  • انقر هنا to join Common Cause’s action team to phonebank or textbank members of Congress

Selected editorials and opinion pieces on the For the People Act:



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