تدوينة المدونة

Gerrymander Gazette: Worst Ideas of the Week Awards

التدريبات والفعاليات

  • CHARGE Trainings
    • Next Level Organizing (102) – Activism for Districting. Using Scripts: July 7th, 2021 from 7PM to 8PM ET. سجل هنا.
    • Let’s End Prison-Based Gerrymandering: July 8th, 2021 from 1PM to 2PM ET. سجل هنا.
    • Redistricting Community College: July 15th, 2021 from 6PM to 8PM ET. سجل هنا
    • Next Level Organizing (102) – Activism for Districting. Using Scripts: July 17th, 2021 from 1PM to 3PM ET. سجل هنا.
    • كيف يمكن لمنظمي إعادة تقسيم الدوائر الانتخابية أن يمهدوا الطريق أمام التقاضي: July 22nd, 2021 from 1PM to 2PM ET. سجل هنا.
  • Join Common Cause MD, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, League of Women Voters MD on Thursday, July 8th, at 2:00 pm ET for a virtual information session to learn about the MD Fair Maps Campaign and opportunities to get involved. MD Fair Maps is a 2021/22 campaign led by the Tame the Gerrymander (TTG) coalition. TTG is a coalition of nonpartisan organizations working to establish a fair and open process for drawing election districts in Maryland. سجل هنا.
  • NAACP is offering a FREE day of training on redistricting on Monday, July 12 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm ET titled Redistricting, Race, and Representation. Scheduled panelists include lawyers and senior staff from: CensusChannel LLC; The Law Offices of Carroll Rhodes; Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law; NAACP Connecticut State Conference; NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.; NAACP Texas State Conference; Southern Coalition for Social Justice; Texas Southern University; and Yale Law School. This program is OPEN TO EVERYONE. You do NOT need to be a lawyer to attend, but lawyers may receive up to FIVE (5) CLE CREDITS. سجل هنا. Educational session will include:
    • Redistricting 101: The Basics of Redistricting
    • Drawing Lines to Protect One Person – One Vote
    • Gerrymandering
    • Litigating Claims Under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act
    • The Future of Redistricting
  • We Draw Oregon is hosting a training session for Oregon residents titled Facilitating Community Mapping: Asking the Right Questions and Testimony Prep on July 13.
  • New voting districts will be drawn in North Carolina this year. How the districts are drawn will have huge impacts on the representation of New Bern and the surrounding area. Join Common Cause North Carolina to learn how you can push back against gerrymandering and advocate for districts which accurately reflect your community.  The event will be held on Thursday, July 15, at 6:00 PM ET on Zoom.  سجل هنا and learn more on our Facebook page.
  • Join Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote), Common Cause, and the National Conference of American Indians (NCAI) on Wednesday, July 21st, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm ET, to get a sneak peek of what happens behind-the-scenes in the redistricting process. Learn the best practices around oral and written testimony from former redistricting commissioners and state legislators, in an interactive workshop. All are welcome! سجل هنا.
  • From Mi Familia Vota Texas team: Join us for our second training on CommUNITY MAPS on Thursday July 22nd at 4:30-6 PM CST! We will go more in depth on what is required for the redrawing of district maps and practice creating a DISTRICT map using our communities of interest in Texas! سجل هنا.   
  • On Thursday, July 1, redistricting advocates in Ohio hosted a presentation titled “The Redistricting Puzzle? Where do the Courts Fit in?” This webinar describes various cases concerning redistricting that are already making their way through the courts, with some added details about the implementation of Ohio’s recently-passed reforms. Watch the video here.


إعلانات الوظائف

  • Redistricting Demography Mapping Specialist job opening at Common Cause. Location: Los Angeles, CA. Working directly with Common Cause redistricting staff and allies across the country, the Mapping Specialist will bolster community leaders’ engagement in 2021’s redistricting session by providing demographic mapping support. تقدم هنا.
  • Local Redistricting Commissions in California
    • The City of Modesto’s hybrid redistricting commission is accepting applications until July 16. تقدم هنا.
    • The City of Merced is seeking applicants to its advisory redistricting commission. The deadline has not been announced, but applications will likely need to be submitted before the end of July, as the City Council is making appointments on August 2. Merced redistricting commissioners will host four redistricting hearings on August 12th at 6PM, September 15th at 6:00 PM PT, December 1st at 6:00 PM PT and January 22nd at 10;00 AM PT. تقدم هنا.
    • The City of Brentwood in Contra Costa County recently launched the application for its hybrid redistricting commission. They are currently accepting applications until August 2. تقدم هنا. 

تم إنتاج هذه النشرة الإخبارية من قبل منظمة Common Cause وتم تجميعها بواسطة دان فيكونا. اشترك في Gerrymander Gazette هنا. لمزيد من المعلومات أو لنقل الأخبار، اتصل بنا دان فيكونا.

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