
The most common and perhaps simplest way to include Common Cause in your estate plans is a bequest.

Make a Bequest to Common Cause

A simple and powerful way to support Common Cause is to make a bequest. By including Common Cause in your will, you will ensure that we have the resources needed to work to make each vote count, each legislator accountable, and each law ethical and responsible. After your lifetime, the asset(s) you specify are eligible for a charitable deduction for the amount of your bequest.

Ready to get started? We’ve partnered with FreeWill to help you write your will and create your legacy with Common Cause. Their online tool makes it quick, easy, and free to write a legal will or trust. It also makes it simple to create a bequest that supports Common Cause for future generations. Click here to write your free will.

If you already have a will, you can simply add language specifying a gift of one of the following ways:

  • Fixed Amount: Specify a dollar amount or asset in your will to go to Common Cause.
  • Percentage: Specify a percentage of your estate to go to Common Cause. This allows the size of your gift to fluctuate based on changes in your estate.
  • Residual: Your gift to Common Cause is made after distributions to family and friends and all relevant debts and taxes are settled.
  • Contingent: Common Cause is remembered as a contingent beneficiary, in case your primary beneficiaries pre-decease you.

Below is sample language to provide to your attorney to remember Common Cause in your will:

“I hereby bequeath ______ to Common Cause, a non-profit organization incorporated by the laws of the District of Columbia and having its principal office at 805 15th Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005.”

By notifying us of your intent to leave an estate gift, you automatically become members of the John Gardner Legacy Circle, our way of expressing our heartfelt appreciation to those who make a significant commitment to a government by and for all for our future generations.

In the meantime, if you have any questions about making an estate gift or need further details, please don’t hesitate to contact the membership team at العطاء

If you would like to make a bequest our C3 affiliate, please see Bequests for Common Cause Education Fund.



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