ديفيد فانس

استراتيجي الاعلام الوطني


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ديفيد فانس هو الاستراتيجي الإعلامي الوطني لمنظمة Common Cause. وهو يعمل مع الموظفين على المستوى الوطني والولائي لتوليد وسائل الإعلام لتضخيم الصوت والتقدم بشكل استراتيجي بأجندة إصلاح الديمقراطية للمنظمة الوطنية ومكاتبها الـ 35 في الولايات.

قبل انضمامه إلى Common Cause في عام 2016، أمضى ديفيد عقدًا من الزمان كمدير للاتصالات والأبحاث في Campaign Legal Center، حيث عمل على تمويل الحملات الانتخابية وحقوق التصويت وقضايا أخلاقيات الحكومة. وخلال فترة عمله هناك، نمت مكانة المنظمة الإعلامية بشكل كبير وفي عام 2014 حصلت على جائزة MacArthur للمؤسسات الإبداعية والفعّالة.

يتمتع ديفيد بخبرة واسعة في العلاقات العامة والصحافة. فقد عمل مديرًا للشؤون العامة في إحدى الجمعيات التجارية الدولية وعمل في شركتين للعلاقات العامة في واشنطن العاصمة حيث تولى إدارة الشؤون العامة والعلاقات العامة وقضايا الأزمات على المستويين الوطني والدولي لمجموعة واسعة من العملاء من الشركات والجمعيات والمنظمات غير الربحية.

قبل دخوله مجال العلاقات العامة، عمل ديفيد لدى العديد من مكاتب الأخبار في واشنطن العاصمة، وWCAX-TV في بيرلينجتون، فيرمونت، وكذلك لدى صحيفة واشنطن بوست.

ديفيد هو مواطن من واشنطن العاصمة وحاصل على درجة الماجستير في الصحافة من كلية ميديل للصحافة بجامعة نورث وسترن ودرجة الماجستير في الكتابة الإبداعية من جامعة جورج ماسون.

أحدث الأخبار من ديفيد فانس

Caught Lying: Trump Administration Drops Citizenship Question from Census

بيان صحفي

Caught Lying: Trump Administration Drops Citizenship Question from Census

Today’s decision by the government to move forward with printing the 2020 Census forms without the citizenship question is a victory for a fair and accurate 2020 Census count. The Trump administration’s lies about the need for a citizenship question were suspect from the outset but they were laid bare by the facts brought to light in the documents of the GOP’s top mapmaker Thomas Hofeller. Chief Justice Roberts joined by four other justices, rightly stated that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross’s explanation for adding the question...

Common Cause Hails Vital House Vote, Urges Senate to Take Up Election Security

بيان صحفي

Common Cause Hails Vital House Vote, Urges Senate to Take Up Election Security

“Today’s passage of the bipartisan SAFE Act in the House is a large critically important step toward safeguarding our elections. It is now up to the Senate to pass strong election security legislation. Our election systems have been breached by a hostile foreign power. Those attacks continue to this day and they will not stop during the 2020 elections, so we must be ready."

SCOTUS Suspends Census Citizenship Question In Light of Evidence of Political and Racial Motives  

بيان صحفي

SCOTUS Suspends Census Citizenship Question In Light of Evidence of Political and Racial Motives  

Statement of Karen Hobert Flynn, Common Cause President: “’Contrived.’ That’s what the Supreme Court called the Administration’s trumped up explanation for adding the citizenship question on the 2020 Census. In documents that Common Cause received in the North Carolina state challenge, Common Cause v. Lewis, emails and reports created by Thomas Hofeller, the chief Republican redistricting mapdrawer, reveal the real reasons for the citizenship question – to make redistricting 'advantageous to Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites.'...

المحكمة العليا تتنصل من مسؤوليتها في إنهاء التلاعب بالدوائر الانتخابية

بيان صحفي

المحكمة العليا تتنصل من مسؤوليتها في إنهاء التلاعب بالدوائر الانتخابية

أصدرت المحكمة العليا الأمريكية اليوم قرارًا بأغلبية خمسة أصوات مقابل أربعة في قضيتين تاريخيتين لإعادة تقسيم الدوائر الانتخابية، قضية روتشو ضد كومن كوز وقضية لامون ضد بينيسيك. وفي قرار من 34 صفحة كتبه القاضي روبرتس، خلصت الأغلبية إلى أنه لا يمكن وضع معيار دستوري ضد التلاعب الحزبي بالدوائر الانتخابية.

Common Cause Urges U.S. House Members to Pass Critical Election Security Legislation in SAFE Act

بيان صحفي

Common Cause Urges U.S. House Members to Pass Critical Election Security Legislation in SAFE Act

Common Cause is urging every member of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote “yes” on the Securing America’s Federal Elections (SAFE) Act (HR 2722) when it goes to a floor vote later this week. A Monday letter to Members emphasized that the critical legislation will help ensure that states and localities get the necessary resources and take key steps to make our election infrastructure resilient in the face of the ongoing attacks by hostile nation state actors.

Common Cause Applauds State Attorneys General For Moving to Block Anticompetitive T-Mobile/Sprint Merger

بيان صحفي

Common Cause Applauds State Attorneys General For Moving to Block Anticompetitive T-Mobile/Sprint Merger

Today, ten states attorneys general led by New York Attorney General Letitia James and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed a lawsuit to block the proposed T-Mobile-Sprint merger. The lawsuit argues that if approved, the merger would lead to higher prices, fewer choices, and less innovation for consumers. New York and California were joined in the lawsuit by Colorado, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, Virginia, and Wisconsin

On Anniversary of Net Neutrality Repeal, Common Cause Demands Senator McConnell Allow Vote On Save the Internet Act

بيان صحفي

On Anniversary of Net Neutrality Repeal, Common Cause Demands Senator McConnell Allow Vote On Save the Internet Act

Today marks the one year anniversary of the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of net neutrality. Since the repeal, broadband service providers have been free to block, throttle, or create fast lanes and slow lanes by charging websites extra fees to prioritize their content. Since the repeal, there’s been evidence of broadband service providers throttling speeds, degrading video quality, and creating service plans that favor their own services over competitors.

New Evidence from Common Cause Partisan Gerrymandering Case Reveals Plot to Add Citizenship Question to 2020 Census for Republican and White Redistricting Advantage  

بيان صحفي

New Evidence from Common Cause Partisan Gerrymandering Case Reveals Plot to Add Citizenship Question to 2020 Census for Republican and White Redistricting Advantage  

Previously undisclosed documents obtained by Common Cause in its North Carolina partisan gerrymandering lawsuit were filed today in the federal action challenging the addition a citizenship question to the 2020 Decennial Census. The documents, which were filed by the private plaintiffs in Department of Commerce v. State of New York, reveal for the first time the secret role played by the longtime Republican redistricting expert, the late Dr. Thomas Hofeller, in orchestrating the addition of the citizenship question and the Justice...

Common Cause Urges Special Counsel Robert Mueller to Testify Publicly Before Congress

بيان صحفي

Common Cause Urges Special Counsel Robert Mueller to Testify Publicly Before Congress

Today, Common Cause urged Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify publicly before Congress so that the American people can hear in his own voice of the gravity of his findings and of the ongoing threat to the integrity of our elections from hostile foreign powers. The open letter to the Special Counsel emphasizes that very few Americans have had the time to read the dense and complex 448-page report and none have seen the underlying documentation behind the “Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential...



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