ديفيد فانس

استراتيجي الاعلام الوطني


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ديفيد فانس هو الاستراتيجي الإعلامي الوطني لمنظمة Common Cause. وهو يعمل مع الموظفين على المستوى الوطني والولائي لتوليد وسائل الإعلام لتضخيم الصوت والتقدم بشكل استراتيجي بأجندة إصلاح الديمقراطية للمنظمة الوطنية ومكاتبها الـ 35 في الولايات.

قبل انضمامه إلى Common Cause في عام 2016، أمضى ديفيد عقدًا من الزمان كمدير للاتصالات والأبحاث في Campaign Legal Center، حيث عمل على تمويل الحملات الانتخابية وحقوق التصويت وقضايا أخلاقيات الحكومة. وخلال فترة عمله هناك، نمت مكانة المنظمة الإعلامية بشكل كبير وفي عام 2014 حصلت على جائزة MacArthur للمؤسسات الإبداعية والفعّالة.

يتمتع ديفيد بخبرة واسعة في العلاقات العامة والصحافة. فقد عمل مديرًا للشؤون العامة في إحدى الجمعيات التجارية الدولية وعمل في شركتين للعلاقات العامة في واشنطن العاصمة حيث تولى إدارة الشؤون العامة والعلاقات العامة وقضايا الأزمات على المستويين الوطني والدولي لمجموعة واسعة من العملاء من الشركات والجمعيات والمنظمات غير الربحية.

قبل دخوله مجال العلاقات العامة، عمل ديفيد لدى العديد من مكاتب الأخبار في واشنطن العاصمة، وWCAX-TV في بيرلينجتون، فيرمونت، وكذلك لدى صحيفة واشنطن بوست.

ديفيد هو مواطن من واشنطن العاصمة وحاصل على درجة الماجستير في الصحافة من كلية ميديل للصحافة بجامعة نورث وسترن ودرجة الماجستير في الكتابة الإبداعية من جامعة جورج ماسون.

أحدث الأخبار من ديفيد فانس

Trump Attorney Appears to Have Made Illegal Contribution to Trump Campaign With Hush Money Payment to Stormy Daniels

بيان صحفي

Trump Attorney Appears to Have Made Illegal Contribution to Trump Campaign With Hush Money Payment to Stormy Daniels

The admission by Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen that he made the $130,000 payment of apparent hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels shortly before the 2016 election does not make the Trump campaign’s legal problems go away despite Cohen’s assertions.

Census Nominee Withdrawal Presents Opportunity for Professionals to Oversee Accurate Count

بيان صحفي

Census Nominee Withdrawal Presents Opportunity for Professionals to Oversee Accurate Count

The American public must have confidence in the leadership of Census Bureau to ensure everyone is counted accurately. Public outrage met reports that Thomas Brunell would be named deputy director, a slot that does not require Senate confirmation, but that he would in fact lead the Census. The controversy was well founded. Brunell’s controversial background as an academic who regular testified in support Republican gerrymanders would have politicized the national headcount.

Common Cause Welcomes Yosef Getachew as Director of Media & Democracy Program

بيان صحفي

Common Cause Welcomes Yosef Getachew as Director of Media & Democracy Program

Common Cause is pleased to announce that Yosef Getachew has joined Common Cause as the Director of the Media and Democracy Program. Getachew will work hand-in-glove with former FCC Commissioner & Common Cause Special Advisor Michael Copps and lead campaigns to engage the public and policy makers on key initiatives including promoting an open internet, fostering competition in the media marketplace, and ensuring broadband access for all Americans.

House Intelligence Minority Memo Must be Secured & Released – Americans Deserve the Truth

بيان صحفي

House Intelligence Minority Memo Must be Secured & Released – Americans Deserve the Truth

The American people must have the truth about the Russia-Trump investigation. The DOJ must work with Intelligence Committee staff of both parties to make any legitimate redactions to the minority memo as soon as possible and then release it. Americans deserve the truth, not a cover-up.

Effort to Impeach Pennsylvania Supreme Court Over Congressional Districts Ruling is Disgraceful

بيان صحفي

Effort to Impeach Pennsylvania Supreme Court Over Congressional Districts Ruling is Disgraceful

Pennsylvania State Rep. Cris Dush is calling for the impeachment of the justices on the state Supreme Court who ruled in favor of a redrawing of the state's congressional map ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. Rep. Dush circulated a letter addressed to the state House on Monday arguing that the five Pennsylvania Supreme Court justices behind the decision violated the state constitution by usurping authority from the state constitution.

Ohio Legislature Puts Redistricting Reform on May Ballot

بيان صحفي

Ohio Legislature Puts Redistricting Reform on May Ballot

Following weeks of negotiations among Common Cause Ohio and other members of the Fair Districts=Fair Elections coalition and leaders of the state legislature, a congressional redistricting reform measure will be on the ballot in May.

D.C. Mayor Bowser Should Sign Citizen-Financed Election Bill to Clean Up Elections

بيان صحفي

D.C. Mayor Bowser Should Sign Citizen-Financed Election Bill to Clean Up Elections

D.C. residents want their government back from special interests and Mayor Bowser should sign the citizen-financed election bill passed unanimously by the City Council. I testified in support of this legislation because I have witnessed firsthand the positive impact citizen-financed elections can bring about after I helped pass Connecticut’s Citizens’ Election Program.

SCOTUS Denies Expedited Review of North Carolina Partisan Gerrymander Leaving Voters in Limbo

بيان صحفي

SCOTUS Denies Expedited Review of North Carolina Partisan Gerrymander Leaving Voters in Limbo

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court denied the motion for expedited review of Common Cause v. Rucho in the wake of the Court granting a stay in the case after a unanimous decision from a three-judge federal court had ruled North Carolina’s congressional districts unconstitutional and ordered them redrawn by January 24, 2018.

In Wake of Nunes-Russia Memo Release, White House Should Clear Schiff Memo on Russia Investigation for Release Expeditiously

بيان صحفي

In Wake of Nunes-Russia Memo Release, White House Should Clear Schiff Memo on Russia Investigation for Release Expeditiously

Americans deserve the facts about the Russian attack on the 2016 election and the ongoing investigation, and the White House owes the American people answers. The Trump Administration should move quickly to clear the release of the House Intelligence Committee Democratic members’ response to the Nunes memo. The Republican memo has been widely discredited for cherry-picking facts in an attempt to undermine the FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Russian attacks. Americans should be presented with the facts,...



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