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*من خلال تقديم رقم هاتفك، فإنك توافق على تلقي التنبيهات عبر الهاتف المحمول من Common Cause على الرقم 95559. يتم تطبيق أسعار الرسائل والبيانات.


1786 Results


إعادة تعيين المرشحات



1786 Results


إعادة تعيين المرشحات

Now is the Time to Get the Questions Right

تدوينة المدونة

Now is the Time to Get the Questions Right

The pandemic demonstrated how necessary broadband is for our jobs, our schooling, our health, our civic dialogue, even our practice of religions. To see the Biden Administration and many in Congress making broadband a national priority is truly encouraging. Tens of millions of households are waiting for their tickets to a better future.

2021 Redistricting: Ensuring The Voices Of Communities Of Color Are Heard


2021 Redistricting: Ensuring The Voices Of Communities Of Color Are Heard

Common Cause has conducted a series of briefings featuring local leaders working on the front lines organizing underserved communities to understand the redistricting process and how to engage in it.

Derek Chauvin’s conviction represents accountability but not justice.

تدوينة المدونة

Derek Chauvin’s conviction represents accountability but not justice.

In the wake of this conviction, so much more must still be done to bring about equal justice for Black Americans. Unchecked police brutality continues to claim the lives of far too many Black and Brown people and it must be ended.

George Floyd should be alive today

تدوينة المدونة

George Floyd should be alive today

Policing too often reflects a double standard, and people of color continue to die at the hands of law enforcement officers in absolutely unacceptable numbers. The tragic pattern must end now.

We demand real justice for George Floyd

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We demand real justice for George Floyd

It is vital that Congress start by enacting long-overdue reforms by passing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. Common-sense reforms can begin to bring about substantive changes and stem the tide of police racism and brutality in our nation.

Reflections on the Chauvin verdict: one conviction does not absolve a system

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Reflections on the Chauvin verdict: one conviction does not absolve a system

I am encouraged by the decision in the Chauvin case but I am in no way relieved. The criminal justice system has a history of failure in similar cases. This one conviction does not absolve a system that has disappointed the families of Michael Brown, Antwon Rose, Breonna Taylor, Walter Scott and so many others.

Sam Ogundare’s Reflections on the verdict on the Chauvin verdict

تدوينة المدونة

Sam Ogundare’s Reflections on the verdict on the Chauvin verdict

What happens next time, if a black individual is killed by the hands of police but there is no video footage of that incident? As a black man that question angers me because I am not sure the outcome of that trial would be the same.



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