
أخبر الكونجرس: لا أحد فوق القانون

إن قرار المحكمة العليا الخطير بشأن الحصانة الرئاسية يتعارض مع المساءلة وسيادة القانون ودستورنا.

يتعين على الكونجرس أن يقر التعديل الدستوري الذي اقترحه النائب موريل للإعلان بشكل دائم أن أي أمريكي ليس فوق القانون - حتى الرؤساء السابقين - ومنع الرؤساء من العفو عن أنفسهم.

توقيع العريضة

سبب مشترك

Donald Trump was just indicted مرة أخرى for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election – with a new grand jury charging him again with the same heinous crimes he was accused of in his previous indictment.

This is now the fifth grand jury to criminally charge the former president – a shameful milestone for our nation, but one that was absolutely necessary to push back against the Supreme Court’s dangerous immunity ruling and uphold a simple principle: لا أحد فوق القانون .

That means we now have a fresh chance to finally hold the former president accountable for his attempt to overthrow American democracy.

Even still, the Supreme Court’s decision to cover for Donald Trump means that the American people won’t have any official verdict on his incitement of the January 6th attack before they vote this year, and that’s a travesty of justice.

That’s why, with Common Cause’s support, Rep. Joe Morelle introduced a constitutional amendment that will دائمًا أعلن أنه لا يوجد أمريكي فوق القانون - ليس حتى الرؤساء السابقين - ويمنع الرؤساء من العفو عن أنفسهم.

Our country can be better than this – and with your help, we will be. Add your name to urge Congress to right the Supreme court’s wrong by declaring that NO American is above the law.



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