
المقال المميز
Stop Matt Gaetz


Stop Matt Gaetz

Rep. Matt Gaetz is an election denier and far-right ideologue who belongs nowhere near the Department of Justice.
احصل على التحديثات الوطنية

احصل على الأخبار العاجلة وفرص العمل وموارد الديمقراطية.

*من خلال تقديم رقم هاتفك، فإنك توافق على تلقي التنبيهات عبر الهاتف المحمول من Common Cause على الرقم 95559. يتم تطبيق أسعار الرسائل والبيانات.


1798 Results


إعادة تعيين المرشحات



1798 Results


إعادة تعيين المرشحات

Los Angeles Puts Citizens United on the Ballot

تدوينة المدونة

Los Angeles Puts Citizens United on the Ballot

The Los Angeles City Council took the final step today with a 10-1 vote to put the Common Cause and CALPIRG supported measure on the ballot. This means Los Angeles City Voters will see this question on the ballot in May: Shall the Voters adopt a resolution that there should be limits on political campaign spending and that corporations should not have the constitutional rights of human beings and instruct Los Angeles elected officials and area legislative representatives to promote that policy through amendments to the United States...



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