تدوينة المدونة
جريدة جيريماندر: إعادة تقسيم الدوائر باللغة الإسبانية
التدريبات والفعاليات
- Redistricting Digital Organizing Workshop: We are in a difficult time for our country and in a world where in-person meetings, canvasses, and events are more difficult than ever. The resurgence of COVID is forcing groups to adjust their programming again. Tim Lim from Lim Consulting Services, along with CHARGE members Fair Count, Mi Familia Vota, and State Voices, will lead this workshop on adjusting your redistricting engagement programs this fall, particularly focusing on digital and SMS programming. The workshop will take place on September 2 at 1:00 pm ET and feature best practices, success stories, and top-level recommendations, followed by a Q&A session and group discussion. سجل هنا.
- Redistricting Communications Training: On behalf of the CHARGE Coalition and the Fair Representation in Redistricting coalition, we would like to invite you to a communications training session next Thursday, September 2, from 4:00 to 4:45 pm ET. With the census data release a few weeks in the rearview mirror, now is a good time to assess your communications efforts and their relationship to the other elements of your campaign (e.g., field and legal). سجل هنا.
- Please join Bolder Advocacy, State Voices, Common Cause, and Center for Popular Democracy on September 9, 2021 at 3-4:30 pm ET / 2-3:30 pm CT / 1 -2:30 pm MT / 12 -1:30 pm PT for a legal training about redistricting advocacy. The training will include an overview of the Rules of the Road for c3/c4 organizations, how to manage various legal scenarios while you advocate for fair and equitable maps and answer questions specific to your campaign. This training is designed for directors, program/campaign leads, and development staff. Feel free to pass along to organizations involved in redistricting advocacy. Please send legal questions or specific topics that you’d like this training to cover to erin@ekcstrategies.com. سجل هنا. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
- Redistricting Community College in Spanish: Join us on September 15 at 7:00 pm ET for the new condensed version of the Redistricting Community College presented entirely in Spanish. سجل هنا. Translated: Este 15 de Septiembre a las 7:00 PM hora del este, CHARGE va a tener un seminario web es una versión condensada de Redistricting Community College, pero se presenta completamente en español. En este seminario, cubriremos una introducción a la redistribución de distritos, el mapeo comunitario y el activismo comunitario. Registrar aquí.
- سبب شائع في ولاية بنسلفانيا is hosting office hours for anyone who has already received training on Districtr and community mapping in Pennsylvania to ask questions, practice drawing community maps, and connect with other mappers and trainers. If you are interested in becoming a community mapper in Pennsylvania, email Khalif Ali at kali@commoncause.org. Office hours will take place at noon ET on Sep 3 and Sep 10. سجل هنا.
- أوهايو Voted to End Gerrymandering — Let’s Get To Work! Join Fair Districts Ohio, the League of Women Voters of Ohio, and Common Cause Ohio for a series of Regional Forums designed to inform about Redistricting in Ohio in 2021
- 9/1 Northeast Ohio, Wednesday, 7:00 pm ET. Rick Jackson/WCPN to moderate.
- 9/9 Central Ohio, Thursday, 7:00 pm ET, Jo Ingles, Statehouse News to moderate.
- 9/13 Northwest Ohio, Monday, 7:00 pm, Liz Skalka, Toledo Blade to moderate.
- 9/21 Cincinnati and Dayton Areas (Southwest Ohio), Tuesday, 7:00 pm ET, Jesse Balmert, Cincinnati Enquirer to moderate.
- Redistricting in Hawai’i & the Counties, Why It Matters, & What YOU Can Do!: Hawai’i redraws its congressional, state, and local county voting districts every ten years, and we need to make sure those maps represent us as accurately as possible. An open and transparent redistricting process is the foundation of political representation. Learn how you can support transparency and accountability to ensure that every person in Hawai;i is fully represented in our voting district maps for the next decade! Fair and transparent voting maps will enable us to truly hold legislators accountable on the issues we care about most. Join Common Cause Hawai’i on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 7:00 pm HT to learn about redistricting and how you can make a difference! Register here!
- Both the Maryland Legislative Redistricting Advisory Commission and Maryland Citizens Redistricting Commission are preparing to draw our district boundaries and want to hear from YOU! Join قضية مشتركة في ماريلاند on Thursday, Sept. 9th, at 6pm ET for training covering how to testify, map your community, write letters to the editor, and more. سجل هنا.
- On August 25th, the All IN for Democracy coalition launched their redistricting mapping competition. The competition will be judged by the coalition’s model redistricting commission, the Indiana Citizens Redistricting Commission. The ICRC is looking for maps that will protect communities of interest and that do not favor one political party over the other. The deadline for entries is Sept. 13th. Winners will receive cash prizes and their maps will be used as the standard to judge the maps proposed by the legislature, which is expected to return to Indianapolis to pass new maps in mid-September. لمعرفة المزيد هنا.
Resources and Announcements
- السبب الشائع في كولورادو submitted suggestions for U.S. House و General Assembly maps to the state’s independent redistricting commissions last week. See this Twitter thread about the maps.
- العد العادل has released their Elected Officials Redistricting Toolkit and Black Churches Redistricting Toolkit with key info about how to get your communities involved in redistricting! Download the elected officials toolkit و ال black churches toolkit today!
- How congressional redistricting works in your state. The Washington Post.
- وطني:
- After census, citizens panels seek sway in redistricting. Associated Press. August 29, 2021.
- The Trailer: The redistricting mess begins, and the GOP still has the advantage. The Washington Post. August 26, 2021.
- Redistricting to test new Census method for protecting user data. Roll Call. August 26, 2021.
- كاليفورنيا:
- Public hearings on San Diego County’s redistricting process begin. Del Mar Times. August 28, 2021.
- Brentwood redistricting commission announces members. The Press. August 24, 2021.
- Little Tokyo Looks to Avoid Repeating Redistricting Trap. The Rafu Shimpo. August 24, 2021.
- كولورادو:
- Redistricting Was Supposed To Be Less Partisan In Colorado. Politics Are Getting In The Way Of That. CPR News. August 26, 2021.
- Douglas County residents voice opinions on redistricting maps. Englewood Herald. August 24, 2021.
- جورجيا: Democratic legislators in Gwinnett demand transparent redistricting. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. August 27, 2021.
- إلينوي: Illinois Democrats set to OK new legislative maps over criticism. CBS News. August 31, 2021.
- إنديانا: Redistricting Reform Group Creates Map Drawing Contest, With Monetary Prizes. WFYI. August 25, 2021.
- ايوا:
- Editorial: Protect this pillar of good government. Quad City Times. August 29, 2021.
- Iowans hope non-partisan redistricting approach continues. Siouxland News. August 27, 2021.
- ميريلاند: Md. Citizens Redistricting Commission Brings on National Election Law Expert as Consultant. Maryland Matters. August 26, 2021.
- ميشيغان: Redistricting Commission Begins Drawing Northern Michigan Political Boundaries. 9&10 News. August 26, 2021.
- ميسيسيبي: Citizens ask for transparent, fair redistricting process at final statewide hearing. The Northside Sun. August 24, 2021.
- كارولينا الشمالية: Back to the drawing board: An FAQ on redistricting in NC in 2021. Carolina Public Press. August 24, 2021.
- داكوتا الشمالية:
- Redistricting panel to hold legislative districts at 47. Associated Press. August 26, 2021.
- Activists call for ‘fair redistricting’ in North Dakota as GOP-led panel prepares to redraw map. Grand Forks Herald. August 25, 2021.
- أوهايو:
- Ohio Redistricting Commission seeks public input to help restore local voices. NBC 24. August 26, 2021.
- Community Members Testify Before State Redistricting Committee In Dayton Public Hearing. WYSO. August 25, 2021.
- أوكلاهوما: Final census counts further alter outlook for Tulsa-area congressional, legislative districts. Tulsa World. August 30, 2021.
- أوريغون: Oregon Redistricting: Public meetings to be held virtually. The Chief. August 29, 2021.
- بنسلفانيا:
- An end to sinister prison gerrymandering is a racial justice victory | Opinion. The Philadelphia Inquirer. August 27, 2021.
- ‘We Are Standing up for Equal Treatment Before the Law.’ Pennsylvania Abolishes Prison Gerrymandering. Time Magazine. August 24, 2021.
- فرجينيا: With Citizen Maps of Increasing Importance, Critics Say Redistricting Outreach is Lacking. WVTF. August 26, 2021.
- ويسكونسن: Politics Aside, WI Residents Can Submit Redistricting Input. WXPR. August 26, 2021.
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