ديفيد فانس

استراتيجي الاعلام الوطني


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ديفيد فانس هو الاستراتيجي الإعلامي الوطني لمنظمة Common Cause. وهو يعمل مع الموظفين على المستوى الوطني والولائي لتوليد وسائل الإعلام لتضخيم الصوت والتقدم بشكل استراتيجي بأجندة إصلاح الديمقراطية للمنظمة الوطنية ومكاتبها الـ 35 في الولايات.

قبل انضمامه إلى Common Cause في عام 2016، أمضى ديفيد عقدًا من الزمان كمدير للاتصالات والأبحاث في Campaign Legal Center، حيث عمل على تمويل الحملات الانتخابية وحقوق التصويت وقضايا أخلاقيات الحكومة. وخلال فترة عمله هناك، نمت مكانة المنظمة الإعلامية بشكل كبير وفي عام 2014 حصلت على جائزة MacArthur للمؤسسات الإبداعية والفعّالة.

يتمتع ديفيد بخبرة واسعة في العلاقات العامة والصحافة. فقد عمل مديرًا للشؤون العامة في إحدى الجمعيات التجارية الدولية وعمل في شركتين للعلاقات العامة في واشنطن العاصمة حيث تولى إدارة الشؤون العامة والعلاقات العامة وقضايا الأزمات على المستويين الوطني والدولي لمجموعة واسعة من العملاء من الشركات والجمعيات والمنظمات غير الربحية.

قبل دخوله مجال العلاقات العامة، عمل ديفيد لدى العديد من مكاتب الأخبار في واشنطن العاصمة، وWCAX-TV في بيرلينجتون، فيرمونت، وكذلك لدى صحيفة واشنطن بوست.

ديفيد هو مواطن من واشنطن العاصمة وحاصل على درجة الماجستير في الصحافة من كلية ميديل للصحافة بجامعة نورث وسترن ودرجة الماجستير في الكتابة الإبداعية من جامعة جورج ماسون.

أحدث الأخبار من ديفيد فانس

Common Cause Launches Voting Anti-Disinformation Week of Content to Provide Correct, Factual Information to Voters

بيان صحفي

Common Cause Launches Voting Anti-Disinformation Week of Content to Provide Correct, Factual Information to Voters

Heading into the final stretch of voting season, Common Cause, in partnership with the Election Protection coalition and the Digital Defense League, is launching a Voting Anti-Disinformation Week of Content as part of its Stopping Cyber-Suppression program. Partner organizations across the voting rights, civil rights, and public interest sector will be pushing out content on social media focused on election integrity, what people can do to stop disinformation, and why we must count every vote in this election. Additionally, Common Cause is...

Facebook Demands End to NYU Program That Has Exposed Social Media Giant’s Failures to Uphold Commitments to Safeguard Democracy

بيان صحفي

Facebook Demands End to NYU Program That Has Exposed Social Media Giant’s Failures to Uphold Commitments to Safeguard Democracy

Facebook has demanded that New York University (NYU) shut down a research project that has been collecting data about the company’s ad-targeting practices. The NYU Ad Observatory, a project of the university’s engineering school, has recruited more than 6,500 volunteers - including many Common Cause members - to use a specially designed browser extension to collect data about the ads Facebook shows them. Facebook has informed NYU that the project violates provisions in its terms of service that prohibit bulk data collection from its site....

SCOTUS Challenge to Texas COVID-19 Vote By Mail Age Discrimination Draws Amicus from The Andrew Goodman Foundation, Equal Citizens, and Common Cause

بيان صحفي

SCOTUS Challenge to Texas COVID-19 Vote By Mail Age Discrimination Draws Amicus from The Andrew Goodman Foundation, Equal Citizens, and Common Cause

Today, an amicus brief filed with the Supreme Court of the United States by Common Cause, The Andrew Goodman Foundation (AGF), and Equal Citizens  challenged the State of Texas’ age restriction to apply for an absentee ballot in the midst of a pandemic. The case, Garcia v. Abbott (No. 19-1389) challenges a law that restricts young Americans from accessing no-excuse vote-by-mail while making it exclusively available to voters over the age of 65. In their amicus brief, the organizations argue that the unequal treatment of youth voters in the...

New Results: Common Cause Releases “Our Democracy 2020” Candidate Surveys

بيان صحفي

New Results: Common Cause Releases “Our Democracy 2020” Candidate Surveys

Common Cause today released the results of its Our Democracy 2020 candidate surveys. More than 200 candidates for Congress, including in certain swing House and Senate races, responded on how they promise to defend and strengthen our democracy.

FCC Announcement to Regulate Speech on Social Media Facilitates Election Disinformation and Undermines Democracy

بيان صحفي

FCC Announcement to Regulate Speech on Social Media Facilitates Election Disinformation and Undermines Democracy

Today, Federal Communications Commission Chairman (FCC) Ajit Pai issued a statement announcing that the FCC will move forward with a rulemaking to clarify the scope of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. The announcement follows an Executive Order from the President and a petition for rulemaking from the Department of Commerce directing the FCC to adopt rules that set conditions on when Section 230 grants social media platforms a liability shield when they moderate content on their sites and when they do not.

CENSUS COUNT ENDS TODAY: Community leaders nationwide decry effect of Supreme Court Ruling and Call on Congress to Save the Census 

بيان صحفي

CENSUS COUNT ENDS TODAY: Community leaders nationwide decry effect of Supreme Court Ruling and Call on Congress to Save the Census 

The US Supreme Court on Tuesday stayed a federal District Court decision and allowed the government to stop counting households two weeks earlier than planned. In a media briefing call today, community leaders described how their states would be affected by the sudden end to census counting and shortened data processing timeline.

30,000+ Grassroots Election Volunteers Recruited by Common Cause for 2020, Millions of Voters Contacted

بيان صحفي

30,000+ Grassroots Election Volunteers Recruited by Common Cause for 2020, Millions of Voters Contacted

In the runup to Election Day, Common Cause, with help from our Election Protection coalition partners, has recruited tens of thousands of nonpartisan volunteers to assist and protect voters during the 2020 election. The ranks of volunteers continue to grow daily through ProtectTheVote.net and have already more than quadrupled the totals from 2016 and 2018. The nonpartisan volunteers are already monitoring early voting sites, assisting voters, tracking and removing social media disinformation online, and even helping voters with ballot curing...

المحكمة العليا تعطي الضوء الأخضر لإدارة ترامب لإيقاف التعداد السكاني مبكرًا؛ يجب على مجلس الشيوخ التحرك

بيان صحفي

المحكمة العليا تعطي الضوء الأخضر لإدارة ترامب لإيقاف التعداد السكاني مبكرًا؛ يجب على مجلس الشيوخ التحرك

يستحق كل أميركي أن يكون له صوت في ديمقراطيتنا. إن قرار المحكمة العليا الأميركية اليوم بوقف تنفيذ أمر صادر عن محكمة أدنى درجة يسمح لإدارة ترمب بإغلاق التعداد السكاني مبكراً. وفي ظل احتمال عدم إحصاء ملايين الأميركيين، فإن قرار المحكمة العليا هذا يشكل ضربة لديمقراطيتنا.

Lawsuit Filed to Stop Texas Governor’s Limit on Drop-Off Sites for Absentee Ballots

بيان صحفي

Lawsuit Filed to Stop Texas Governor’s Limit on Drop-Off Sites for Absentee Ballots

Today, Common Cause Texas and the Anti-Defamation League’s Austin, Southwest, and Texoma Regions (“ADL”) filed suit to block the governor of Texas from limiting drop-off sites for absentee ballots to a maximum of one per county during the state’s early voting period, regardless of the size of a county’s population or the distribution of that population. The plaintiffs argue that this order – which Governor Greg Abbott issued by proclamation on October 1 – exceeds his authority and would make it unreasonably difficult for eligible...



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