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واشنطن تحصل على أعلى الدرجات في تقرير تقييم الديمقراطية لعام 2024 من منظمة "القضية المشتركة" 

بيان صحفي

واشنطن تحصل على أعلى الدرجات في تقرير تقييم الديمقراطية لعام 2024 من منظمة "القضية المشتركة" 

واشنطن ــ أصدرت منظمة "السبب المشترك"، وهي منظمة مراقبة غير حزبية، "بطاقة أداء الديمقراطية لعام 2024"، والتي تسجل دعم كل عضو في الكونجرس لحقوق التصويت، وأخلاقيات المحكمة العليا، وغيرها من الإصلاحات.  

جهات الاتصال الإعلامية

ديفيد فانس

استراتيجي الاعلام الوطني

كاتي سكالي

مدير الاتصالات

أريانا مارموليجو

استراتيجي الاتصالات الإقليمية (الغرب)

جينيفر جارسيا

استراتيجي الاتصالات الإقليمية (الجنوب)

كيني كولستون

استراتيجي الاتصالات الإقليمية (الغرب الأوسط)

إن شبكة خبراء الإصلاح الديمقراطي على المستوى الوطني والإقليمي في منظمة Common Cause هي من المعلقين الدائمين على وسائل الإعلام. وللتحدث مع أحد خبرائنا، يرجى التواصل مع أي عضو من أعضاء فريق الصحافة المذكور أعلاه.


4028 Results


إعادة تعيين المرشحات



4028 Results


إعادة تعيين المرشحات

Albuquerque Journal (Op-Ed): NM elected officials still under the influence of alcohol industry

مقطع اخباري

Albuquerque Journal (Op-Ed): NM elected officials still under the influence of alcohol industry

The alcohol industry is at it again.

For three decades the industry, its powerful lobbyists and its allies in the hospitality industry have been successful in staving off increases in the state’s alcohol excise tax with arguments about how even a modest increase will hurt restaurants and local breweries. Increased prices for alcohol won’t result in less drinking anyhow, they say. The argument was most recently echoed in an Albuquerque Journal editorial.

Meanwhile New Mexico is No. 1 nationwide in...

Politico/Yahoo! News: New House maps in New York stall as deadline for June primaries nears

مقطع اخباري

Politico/Yahoo! News: New House maps in New York stall as deadline for June primaries nears

“Conducting business behind closed doors is unacceptable,” Common Cause New York executive director Susan Lerner said. “Open your doors to the people. The people who live in congressional districts deserve a say in who will represent them.”

Honolulu Star Advertiser: Saiki supports bills for full public financing of political campaigns

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Honolulu Star Advertiser: Saiki supports bills for full public financing of political campaigns

Camron Hurt, program manager for Common Cause Hawaii, said full public financing of political candidates would allow elected officials to focus on voters’ concerns and not special interests “by removing big money from our politics.”

At the same, Hurt said, “I hope it allows for greater participation from the candidates, for a kid growing up in Pauoa or Nanakuli.”

“Having the speaker’s unwavering support and leadership in this bill is astronomical at a risk to his own seat, at risk to his own...

Politico: Seeing a viral pro-Biden TikTok? A PAC might have paid for it.

مقطع اخباري

Politico: Seeing a viral pro-Biden TikTok? A PAC might have paid for it.

Ishan Mehta, the director for media and democracy at watchdog group Common Cause, said he was disappointed the FEC decided not to require paid influencer disclosures. He said regulations on paid social media political content should be the same as those for political television and print ads, which are required by the FEC to include disclaimers.

“The ability to pay influencers to carry their message on behalf of a campaign is a loophole,” he said.

Common Dreams: ‘Political Deepfake Moment Is Here’: NH Robocall Sounds Like Biden

مقطع اخباري

Common Dreams: ‘Political Deepfake Moment Is Here’: NH Robocall Sounds Like Biden

Also on Monday, Public Citizen and Common Cause submitted petitions urging state election officials in Alabama, Louisiana, and Wisconsin to regulate deepfakes in political campaign communications.

"AI deepfakes represent a very clear and present danger to our democracy," said Ishan Mehta, director of Common Cause's media and democracy program. "The opportunity for deceiving and misleading voters has never been so acute as it is today with the vast improvements in fake computer-generated images and voices."


Public News Service: Good-government groups speak out after fentanyl sent to CA elections office

مقطع اخباري

Public News Service: Good-government groups speak out after fentanyl sent to CA elections office

Jonathan Mehta Stein, executive director of California Common Cause, said while no one was hurt, the attempt to poison or kill an election worker is despicable.

"It's to destabilize our elections and to scare the public servants who run them," Mehta Stein pointed out. "And to make all of us more fearful of participating in our democracy."

Mehta Stein blamed the rise in threats to election workers on the litany of false conspiracy theories claiming the 2020 election was rigged.

"We have to find a way...

خدمة الأخبار العامة: جماعات حقوق التصويت تصف جهود الاتفاقية الدستورية بأنها تهديد للديمقراطية

مقطع اخباري

خدمة الأخبار العامة: جماعات حقوق التصويت تصف جهود الاتفاقية الدستورية بأنها تهديد للديمقراطية

وقال جيف فوستر، المدير التنفيذي لمنظمة Common Cause Massachusetts، إنه لا توجد قواعد في الدستور بشأن كيفية إدارة المؤتمر ولا توجد ضمانة، حتى التعديل الأول، ستكون آمنة.

وحذر فوستر قائلا: "إننا نواجه خطرا كبيرا وضررا كبيرا محتملا لكل ما هو منصوص عليه بالفعل في دستورنا إذا فتحنا صندوق باندورا هذا".

وأشار فوستر إلى أن المؤتمر قد يسمح للمندوبين غير المنتخبين ومجموعات المصالح الخاصة بترسيخ أجندتهم في وثيقة تأسيسية.

مجلة بروفيدنس: هل يحق لسكان رود آيلاند التصويت في نفس اليوم الذي يسجلون فيه؟ ما يقوله الطرفان

مقطع اخباري

مجلة بروفيدنس: هل يحق لسكان رود آيلاند التصويت في نفس اليوم الذي يسجلون فيه؟ ما يقوله الطرفان

يقول جون ماريون، المدير التنفيذي لمنظمة Common Cause RI، من بين الولايات الـ 22 التي تطبق نوعًا من التسجيل في نفس اليوم: "بعض الولايات ليس لديها موعد نهائي للإقامة، والبعض الآخر لديه مواعيد نهائية طويلة. وكلها لديها متطلبات للإقامة". الحد الأقصى المسموح به بموجب السابقة القانونية هو 30 يومًا".

ولم يتم تقديم نسخة هذا العام من التشريع بعد، لكن ماريون يؤكد نية مجموعته: إذا حصل الإلغاء على موافقة الناخبين في نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني، "فسوف ندعو بعد ذلك إلى إصدار قانون تمكيني يسمح بالتسجيل للناخبين في نفس اليوم".

Sacramento Bee/Yahoo! News (Op-Ed): What has California’s Voters Choice Act helped accomplish?

مقطع اخباري

Sacramento Bee/Yahoo! News (Op-Ed): What has California’s Voters Choice Act helped accomplish?

While the Voters Choice Act was never intended to be a panacea for all voting challenges facing California, one thing is very clear: The law is a reform worth revisiting and reinvesting in, and still holds promise for expanding electoral participation across the state and across many voting groups.

Colorado Newsline: Trump brief asks Supreme Court to put ‘decisive end’ to 14th Amendment challenges

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Colorado Newsline: Trump brief asks Supreme Court to put ‘decisive end’ to 14th Amendment challenges

Colorado Common Cause, which supported the plaintiffs’ case with an amicus, or friend-of-the-court, brief before the Colorado Supreme Court, on Friday urged the U.S. Supreme Court “to set a critical legal precedent to safeguard the future of American democracy.”

“The Supreme Court must embrace its role as an active defender of our Constitution, or else it may crumble under the immense pressure it will surely face in the years to come,” Aly Belknap, the group’s executive director, said in a statement.

PolitiFact: FALSE: “Illegal immigrants now have the right to vote in New York.”

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PolitiFact: FALSE: “Illegal immigrants now have the right to vote in New York.”

Susan Lerner, the executive director of the voting rights group Common Cause New York, said that only U.S. citizens can vote in New York state.

"Permanent residents and people authorized to work here are documented and approved by the federal government," Lerner said. "They pay state and federal taxes, and pay into Social Security as well. In many cases, they’ve lived in the United States for decades. There is nothing ‘illegal’ about them."

NPR (Audio): The RNC wants Republicans to embrace early voting. Trump’s rhetoric makes it tough

مقطع اخباري

NPR (Audio): The RNC wants Republicans to embrace early voting. Trump’s rhetoric makes it tough

Jay Heck, the executive director of Common Cause Wisconsin, said he thinks that Republicans lost recent state Supreme Court elections and a recent gubernatorial election partly because of their voters' aversion to early voting.

"There is, I think, a realization on the part of some of them that they had better begin to do the things that progressives and Democrats are doing to turn out the vote if they want to carry the state for Trump or if they want to win a gubernatorial election in the near future," he said.



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