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جهات الاتصال الإعلامية
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استراتيجي الاتصالات الإقليمية (الغرب الأوسط)
إن شبكة خبراء الإصلاح الديمقراطي على المستوى الوطني والإقليمي في منظمة Common Cause هي من المعلقين الدائمين على وسائل الإعلام. وللتحدث مع أحد خبرائنا، يرجى التواصل مع أي عضو من أعضاء فريق الصحافة المذكور أعلاه.
بيان صحفي
Common Cause Promotes Dan Vicuña to Director of Redistricting and Representation
مقطع اخباري
Associated Press: Wisconsin Supreme Court candidates often speak out on hot topics. Only one faces impeachment threat
مقطع اخباري
The Guardian: Republicans threaten to impeach newly elected Wisconsin supreme court judge
Heck called the threat of impeachment an overreach and described concerns about Protasiewicz’s campaign statements as “selective outrage”, given previous conservative justices’ public comments on issues before the court. Heck pointed to a 2015 case in...
مقطع اخباري
Fresno Bee (Op-Ed): Fresno officials gerrymandered their districts. Time to take our voting rights back
بيان صحفي
إدانة نافارو بازدراء المحكمة ترسل تحذيرًا مفاده أنه لا يمكن تجاهل الكونجرس دون عقاب
بيان صحفي
مجلس الشيوخ يؤكد أخيرًا على تعيين المفوض الخامس للجنة الاتصالات الفيدرالية بعد شغور دام أكثر من عامين ونصف العام
مقطع اخباري
Associated Press: Wisconsin GOP threatens to impeach justice over donations, but conservatives also took party cash
There was no outrage from Republicans when conservative justices heard numerous cases over the years involving their conservative donors, Heck said.
“The rules and parameters of recusal were put in place by the conservatives and by the Republicans,” said Heck, with Common Cause....
مقطع اخباري
NPR: A 25-year-old from a small town leads North Carolina’s Democratic Party toward 2024
"I do wonder sometimes if it's too late," said Hinton-Smith, who runs Common Cause's civic engagement program at HBCUs within the state.
Though she agrees with Clayton's youth outreach plan and remains cautiously optimistic, she said politicians need to play the long game in order to make change, which may require less focus on wins right now.
مقطع اخباري
U.S. News & World Report: Judges Reject Gerrymandered Districts Ahead of Hotly Contested Elections
"I think it's not going to sit well with the Supreme Court," he says.
مقطع اخباري
Public News Service: Tech Companies Scale Back Efforts to Control Election Disinformation
"A lot of times people fall for disinformation," said Steiner, "because it seems to confirm something they already believe and that's where people get tripped up."
Steiner recommended that people always refer to official sources for voting information - including Secretary of States' offices or local election boards.
"Disinformation spreaders and...
مقطع اخباري
New York Times: How a New City Council Map of L.A. Turned Into a Political Brawl
مقطع اخباري
San Diego Union-Tribune: Should the city attorney be stripped of civil duties? Experts and candidates for the office oppose the effort
“This seems like it could be a recipe for confusion and contention, especially if the appointed city attorney and elected city attorney clash on matters,” he said. The proposal “also seems to give the council president too much power in the appointing process, which could lead to the appearance of corruption.”
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