
الصحافة المميزة
واشنطن تحصل على أعلى الدرجات في تقرير تقييم الديمقراطية لعام 2024 من منظمة "القضية المشتركة" 

بيان صحفي

واشنطن تحصل على أعلى الدرجات في تقرير تقييم الديمقراطية لعام 2024 من منظمة "القضية المشتركة" 

واشنطن ــ أصدرت منظمة "السبب المشترك"، وهي منظمة مراقبة غير حزبية، "بطاقة أداء الديمقراطية لعام 2024"، والتي تسجل دعم كل عضو في الكونجرس لحقوق التصويت، وأخلاقيات المحكمة العليا، وغيرها من الإصلاحات.  

جهات الاتصال الإعلامية

ديفيد فانس

استراتيجي الاعلام الوطني

كاتي سكالي

مدير الاتصالات

أريانا مارموليجو

استراتيجي الاتصالات الإقليمية (الغرب)

جينيفر جارسيا

استراتيجي الاتصالات الإقليمية (الجنوب)

كيني كولستون

استراتيجي الاتصالات الإقليمية (الغرب الأوسط)

إن شبكة خبراء الإصلاح الديمقراطي على المستوى الوطني والإقليمي في منظمة Common Cause هي من المعلقين الدائمين على وسائل الإعلام. وللتحدث مع أحد خبرائنا، يرجى التواصل مع أي عضو من أعضاء فريق الصحافة المذكور أعلاه.


4028 نتائج


إعادة تعيين المرشحات



4028 نتائج


إعادة تعيين المرشحات

Omaha World-Herald: Nebraska Gov. Pillen not releasing event schedule, criticized for lack of access, accountability

مقطع اخباري

Omaha World-Herald: Nebraska Gov. Pillen not releasing event schedule, criticized for lack of access, accountability

Gavin Geis, executive director for Common Cause Nebraska, said he believes Pillen should continue the tradition of governors sharing their schedule with the public.

“Government transparency and accountability are not just enshrined in state law but are what Nebraskans expect from elected leaders,” he said.

“The governor’s schedule gives us all insight into his priorities and helps keep the public informed about the work he’s doing on our behalf,” Geis continued. “While it may be an afterthought for...

تقديم دعوى أمام المحكمة العليا: الإجراءات في قضية إعادة تقسيم الدوائر الانتخابية في ولاية كارولينا الشمالية لا تغير القدرة على اتخاذ القرار في قضية مور ضد هاربر

بيان صحفي

تقديم دعوى أمام المحكمة العليا: الإجراءات في قضية إعادة تقسيم الدوائر الانتخابية في ولاية كارولينا الشمالية لا تغير القدرة على اتخاذ القرار في قضية مور ضد هاربر

يجب على المحكمة العليا الأمريكية أن ترفض نظرية الهيئة التشريعية المستقلة الخطيرة والهامشية (ISLT) المقدمة في قضية مور ضد هاربر بغض النظر عن القرار غير المعتاد للغاية الذي اتخذته المحكمة العليا في ولاية كارولينا الشمالية بإعادة النظر في القرار التصحيحي في قضية هاربر ضد هول، وفقًا لرسالة المدعي الجديدة التي ردت على المحكمة العليا.

Associated Press: Election conspiracy movement grinds on as 2024 approaches

مقطع اخباري

Associated Press: Election conspiracy movement grinds on as 2024 approaches

“Voters who know the truth about our elections have faith in them,” said Liz Iacobucci, election security program manager with the voter advocacy group Common Cause. “But the people who have been led into disbelief — those people can be led into other things, like Jan. 6.”

Arizona Republic: Arizona bills would post voters’ names, addresses, birth years and ballot images

مقطع اخباري

Arizona Republic: Arizona bills would post voters’ names, addresses, birth years and ballot images

The right to privately and securely cast a ballot, a pillar of voting rights, has stood the test of time as Arizona’s democracy has faced increasing attacks in recent years. The Arizona Constitution affirms “secrecy in voting shall be preserved,” but Senate Bill 1324 and House Bill 2560 put this at risk.

The companion bills, dubbed the “Voter Privacy Violation Act” by civil rights advocates, would make Arizona an extreme outlier by posting detailed voter data and unfiltered ballot images online during the critical...

CNHI News: Georgia Republicans continue to crack down on donations for elections

مقطع اخباري

CNHI News: Georgia Republicans continue to crack down on donations for elections

Anne Gray Herring of Common Cause Georgia said SB 222 creates another deterrent for counties already struggling to recruit and retain election workers.

"Our county elections offices are already overburdened and underfunded," Gray Herring said. "This would cut off one of the few remaining means to receive additional funding and prohibit boards of commissioners from choosing to allocate funds to their county elections offices when they identify a need. The county governing authority should have the discretion to provide additional...

Leadership Transition at Common Cause

بيان صحفي

Leadership Transition at Common Cause

The National Governing Board of Common Cause announced today the appointment of Vice President of Programs and Strategy Marilyn Carpinteyro and Vice President of People, Equity, and Inclusion Jordan Davis as interim co-presidents, effective immediately.

Associated Press: With GOP majority, North Carolina court revisits voting maps

مقطع اخباري

Associated Press: With GOP majority, North Carolina court revisits voting maps

“Now the legislative defendants play a cynical game, hoping that this newly constituted court will reverse course and abdicate its fundamental duty of judicial review,” said Lali Madduri, an attorney speaking Tuesday in court for Common Cause, the North Carolina League of Conservation Voters and citizens like Harper.

Statement on the Passing of Common Cause Board Member Pat Schroeder

بيان صحفي

Statement on the Passing of Common Cause Board Member Pat Schroeder

"She is part of the generations of women shaping Common Cause, demonstrating our democracy reform agenda requires a relentless commitment to doing hard work and having the courage to get involved."

Texas Tribune: Texas Senate passes bill to make illegal voting a felony again

مقطع اخباري

Texas Tribune: Texas Senate passes bill to make illegal voting a felony again

Katya Ehresman, voting rights program manager for Common Cause Texas, said everyone knows a voter, a friend or a neighbor who could be affected by the pending legislation.

Ehresman said that in some scenarios a person might attempt to vote absentee by mail because they’re 65 or they’re disabled. If they can’t tell whether their ballot was received and are confused about whether their vote was counted, they might try to go vote in person and cast a provisional ballot.

“That voter could be liable under SB 2...

Dallas Morning News: Texas’ top election official lays groundwork to leave voter fraud prevention program

مقطع اخباري

Dallas Morning News: Texas’ top election official lays groundwork to leave voter fraud prevention program

The government accountability group Common Cause Texas called the move "another attempt to scare voters away from the ballot box by sewing doubt in the integrity of our elections."

"Either this is a hasty move in response to partisan pressure, which should be discouraged from the Secretary of State's office, or it is a deceitful omission that should be looked at skeptically," Katya Ehresman, voting rights program manager for the organization said in a news release. "Texas should focus on strengthening the security of our...

بلومبرج: حكم الرشوة في ولاية أوهايو "بالأموال المظلمة" يظهر أن منظمة سيتيزينز يونايتد محدودة

مقطع اخباري

بلومبرج: حكم الرشوة في ولاية أوهايو "بالأموال المظلمة" يظهر أن منظمة سيتيزينز يونايتد محدودة

إن الحكم له آثار قوية على ولاية أوهايو وبقية البلاد لأنه يظهر أنه في حين أن قضية Citizens United ربما فتحت بوابات النقد للشركات، فإن "هذا لا يعني أن الدفع مقابل اللعب قانوني أو صحيح"، كما قالت كاثرين تورسر، المديرة التنفيذية لمنظمة Common Cause Ohio ومدافعة منذ فترة طويلة عن تمويل الحملات الانتخابية وإصلاح الحكومة في ولاية أوهايو.

وقالت "يمكن لأهالي أوهايو أن يطمئنوا الليلة وهم يعلمون أنه أخيرًا سيتم محاسبة شخص ما".

Fox News: Civil rights groups outraged after Gigi Sohn withdraws FCC nomination: ‘Sad, shoddy, and shameful’

مقطع اخباري

Fox News: Civil rights groups outraged after Gigi Sohn withdraws FCC nomination: ‘Sad, shoddy, and shameful’

"Senate treatment of this nomination has been, from beginning to end, sad, shoddy, and shameful. And its treatment of Ms. Sohn a despicable dereliction of duty and honor. A win for big-spending special interests, to be sure, but a tragic loss for the common good," wrote former FCC chair Michael Copps wrote. who now works for the advocacy group Common Cause



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