

Some elected officials are trying to silence voters by creating needless barriers to the ballot box. Common Cause is fighting back against these anti-democracy efforts.

We should be able to make our voices heard at the polls and have a say in the leaders who represent us. But sometimes, politicians push for laws that discourage, obstruct, or even intimidate voters in an effort to cling to their power.

Polling place closures, limits to vote-by-mail, and needlessly strict voter ID regulations can prevent eligible voters from casting their ballot—and lately, this playbook of voter suppression strategies has become more popular. Common Cause is stopping voter suppression by opposing these efforts in the legislature, in the courts, and beyond in defense of the right to vote.


保护亚利桑那州的选举:敦促您的立法者对 HCR2056 投反对票!


保护亚利桑那州的选举:敦促您的立法者对 HCR2056 投反对票!

亚利桑那州的选举受到威胁。立法者正在推动一项危险的推荐方案 HCR2056,该方案将取消选举日的选票投递,扩大选民身份证要求,增加选举官员的负担,并在极端高温下造成排长队。这项推荐已经通过参议院,现在已提交众议院。如果通过,它将在 2024 年大选中交给选民,绕过州长的否决权。我们需要你的帮助来阻止这种情况。告诉你的立法者...

您的资金支持帮助我们发挥以下作用 追究权力责任 并加强民主。



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