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Common Cause Condemns Congress’ Decision to Weaken Nonpartisan Ethics Office

"As their first legislative act, Congressional Republicans have decided to significantly weaken the independent ethics office. Their actions are a complete failure of leadership.”

Media & Democracy 01.3.2023

Common Cause Applauds White House Re-Nomination of Gigi Sohn and Urges Her Rapid Confirmation By Senate

"We urge the Senate to quickly confirm Ms. Sohn so the agency can fully advance the public interest and create a communications ecosystem that serves all of us.”

Congressional Republicans Make Dismantling Office of Ethics Priority Number One

"Now, on the very first day of a new Congress, Republicans have put ethics, accountability, and transparency on the chopping block."


As 2024 Election Begins, Common Cause Will “Double Down On Work to Protect Voting Rights for All”

"The clock has started in the 2024 election, and our work to protect our elections begins now. We will double down on our work to protect voting rights for all—Democrats, Republicans, and Independents."

Voting & Elections 11.9.2022

Video Links and Quotes from Today’s Post Election Day Media Briefing with Common Cause

This morning a panel of Common Cause’s national policy experts and state leaders briefed the media on the voting trends seen in yesterday’s election nationally and in Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, Texas, and Pennsylvania.

Voting & Elections 11.8.2022

Video Links and Quotes from Today’s Media Briefing #3: Election Day 2022 with Common Cause

This evening, a panel of Common Cause’s national policy experts and state leaders briefed the media on the state of voting nationally and in California, Georgia, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania.

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