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Voting & Elections 01.30.2023

Constitutional Amendment Proposed to Strengthen California’s Recall System

New reform helps protect taxpayers from footing the bill of political gamesmanship in state recall elections

Money & Influence 01.27.2023

New Report: Publicly Funded Campaigns Can Dilute Big Money’s Influence on California’s Politics

California Common Cause provides two keys to reforming how campaigns are funded

Redistricting Expert and Resources Available for Journalists

As LA evaluates options for independent redistricting, one of California’s foremost experts on the topic is available for consultation

Money & Influence 11.9.2022

Oakland Voters Overwhelmingly Approve Measure W

Victory for the reform measure, which creates an innovative Democracy Dollars program and increases political ad transparency

Voting & Elections 11.8.2022

California’s Modernized Election System Increases Access to the Ballot

Opportunity for further improvement remains for many voters, including young voters

Voting & Elections 11.7.2022

California Common Cause Reminds Voters “Election Night is not Results Night”

As voters head to the polls, California Common Cause is reminding the public that it may several days for election officials to finalize results.

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