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California Citizens Redistricting Commission Finalizes Independent Redistricting Process, Showing the Nation How Participatory Redistricting Can Be

The Commission drew new district maps for our congressional delegation, State Senate, State Assembly, and Board of Equalization over the course of roughly 150 livestreamed meetings, including meetings dedicated to every region of the state and meetings held in a wide variety of languages.

Media & Democracy 12.7.2021

California Common Cause Launches First-of-its-Kind Statewide Initiative to Strengthen Local and Ethnic Media

“A healthy and vibrant press is key to holding government accountable and ensuring an informed electorate,” said Jonathan Mehta Stein, Executive Director of California Common Cause. “As local journalism continues to decline, misinformation, disinformation, and political polarization is on the rise. This initiative will allow us to get back to governing based on facts, and with a news industry that’s inclusive of every voice in our state.”

Voting & Elections 12.1.2021

Common Cause Announces 2021 “My Voice, My Art, our Cause” Artivism Contest Winner

Today, Common Cause announced Jessica Hernandez-Beltran, 28, of Mecca, California as the first-place winner of the 2021 Artivism Contest. The competition was designed by the Common Cause Student Action Alliance to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Common Cause and the passage of the 26th Amendment, which lowered the voting age from 21 to 18.

California Common Cause Calls for “Fully Independent” Commission in Los Angeles

Today California Common Cause issued a letter to the Los Angeles City Council, urging leaders to create an independent redistricting commission. The letter highlights that the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting Commission (LACCRC)’s members are appointed by city council offices and the final district maps will be approved by the City Council. This dynamic has led to extreme political interference, hindering the community-driven process the commission was created to foster.

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