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Money & Influence 07.22.2014

Governor Brown Signs SB 27 -- Sheds Light on Dark Money

Today Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 27, reforming the Political Reform Act of 1974 to further regulate campaign financing, adding the requirement that committees disclose donors of $1000 or more where those donations were solicited for the purpose of making contributions or expenditures in California.

Money & Influence 07.3.2014

Defending Democracy and Delivering Disclosure

Last week I took a break from my regular routine in Los Angeles by packing up and shipping out to hold power accountable from the source, California’s State Capitol.

Money & Influence 04.23.2014

RE: AB 700 (Gomez and Levine) – Support

Dear Assemblymember Ridley-Thomas, We are pleased to support AB 700, the California DISCLOSE Act. If its intent is implemented, it will significantly strengthen disclosure requirements for ballot measure ads.

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